- Zeng Shao Yu 3035845851
- Fan Yi An 3035952886
- An rougelike games: to be a hero and beat the monsters with your super power and conquer the dungeon!
- Randomly generated map with three kinds of rooms: healing rooms, skill rooms and enemy rooms
- Abundent abilities can be learnt and many evil cratures with diffrent features
- Archive after you reach a new level
- Unique term-based battle systems
- Moving through rooms in different levels with "w", "a", "s" & "d".
- Press "F" to interact with the things in the room.
- When you meet monsters, you cannot escape! You have to fight as a HERO!
- beat the BOSS to get to the deeper levels.
- And, Enjoy! :)
- main.cpp is the main part, use "make main" to compile and use ./main to play