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# Remote Mouse Controller

This project allows you to control a **Mouse** remotely by simulating **mouse actions** and **keyboard** movements through a Flutter application connected via **WebSocket** to a Flutter Desktop server. The Flutter app uses the device's **accelerometer** and **gyroscope** sensors to detect movements, providing a smooth experience for navigating slides or performing actions remotely.

## Features

- Remote control of slide presentations.
- Simulation of mouse movements and keyboard actions.
- Real-time connection between **Flutter Mobile and Desktop** apps via **WebSocket**.
- Use of **accelerometer** and **gyroscope** sensors to detect movements.
- Ideal for those who need to control presentations while away from the device.

### Flutter
- Libraries to simulate the mouse and keyboard
- Flutter SDK (v2.0 ou superior)
- Plugin `sensors_plus` for using gyroscope sensors
- WebSocket for the server communication

## Install

### 1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd celmouse

### 2. Run the Flutter Server

cd desktop
flutter run -d {macos|windows|*linux*}

### 3. Run the Flutter App 

cd mobile
flutter run -d {iPhone|Android}

## How it works

### Flutter Server

The server receives commands from the mobile app via WebSocket and simulates mouse and keyboard actions at the host system. 

### Flutter App

The app collects movement data through sensors (accelerometer/gyroscope) and sends those data to the Flutter Destop Server via WebSocket. The server interprets this data and turns them into system commmands like mouse or keyboard.

## Screenshot
![Exemplo de uso](/screenshots/output.gif)

## Contributting

1. Create a fork
2. Create a branch with your feature (`git checkout -b feature/nova-feature`)
3. Create a descriptive commit (`git commit -m 'New feature details'`)
4. Create a Pull Request

### Projeto Structure:

- **desktop/**: Flutter Desktop Server code.
- **mobile/**: Flutter Mobile app code.


You can now control anything by simulating your mouse and keyboard







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Contributors 3
