A software project at the Higher School of Economics. Finding the shortest paths (at the moment, the Dijkstra's algorithm and A* algorithm are implemented).
Download current repository to your local machine. Use
git clone https://github.com/Ch0p1k3/path-planning-algorithms-dijkstra-astar
Input files are an XML files with a specific structure. Input file should contain:
- Mandatory tag "root". It describes the parameters.
- Tag "map". It describes the map.
- "width" - the width of the field.
- "height" - the height of the field.
- "cellsize" - the size of ceil.
- "startx" - the start coordinate x.
- "starty" - the start coordinate y.
- "finishx" - the finish coordinate x.
- "finishy" - the finish coordinate y.
- Coordinates are non-negative. The top left corner has coordinates (0, 0). The first coordinate is the index of row, the second coordinate is the index of column.
- Tag "grid" describes your map, where each line is separated by a "line" tag. "0" is free cell, "1" is obstruction.
- Tag "algorithm" describes the algrithm options.
- "searchtype" - the type of the search. Arguments are "dijkstra" or "astar". Dijkstra and A* algorithm, respectively.
- "metrictype" - the heuristic for A* algorithm. There are: "diagonal", "manhattan", "euclidean", "chebyshev". We have two constants c_hv=1 - horizontal / vertical step weight, c_d=square root of 2 - diagonal step weight.
- Diagonal heuristic formula: c_hv * |dx - dy| + c_d * min(dx, dy)
- Manhattan heuristic formula: c_hv * (dx + dy)
- Euclidian heuristic formula: с_hv * sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
- Chebushev heuristic formula: max(dx, dy)
- breakingties - determines the order of opening the vertices when the value of f is equal. There are "g-min" or "g-max".
- "hweight" - the hweight value for A* algorithm. For "hweight" = 1 we have classical A*, for >1 is weighted A*(WA*).
- "allowdiagonal" - it is allowed to walk diagonally (true or false). If false, then you can only walk horizontally/vertically.
- "cutcorners" - it is allowed to walk diagonally if there is an obstacle nearby. Also true or false.
- "allowsqueeze" - it is allowed to walk diagonally if there are obstacles on both sides. Also true or false.
- Tag "options". It is options for the output.
- "loglevel" - value of the output. There are "0.5" and "1". "1" is more verbose output.
- "logpath" - output file directory.
- "logfilename" - name of the output file.
- Tag "map". It describes the map.
- "log" - output
- An important tag is "summary". His attributes:
- "numberofsteps" - the number of algorithm steps.
- "nodescreated" - the number of nodes created during the search.
- "length" - the path length.
- "length_scaled" = "length" * "cellsize"
- "time" - running time of the algorithm.
- "path" - the map with the path(only for 1 "loglevel").
- "lplevel" - the path coordinates.
- "hplevel" - the short path coordinates.
- An important tag is "summary". His attributes:
To build and run the project you should have compiler on C++17 standart.
The project should be built with CMake;
Building and launching can be done both from the command line and using various IDEs. Below are the build and run scripts using the command line.
Release building:
cd PathPlanningAlgorithms
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
make install
Debug building:
cd PathPlanningAlgorithms
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
make install
cd .Bin/{Debug|Release}/
./Ivan_Luchsh_ASearch ../../Examples/example.xml
Release building:
cd PathPlanningAlgorithms
set PATH
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -G "MinGW Makefiles"
mingw32-make install
Debug building:
cd PathPlanningAlgorithms
set PATH
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" -G "MinGW Makefiles"
mingw32-make install
cd Bin/{Debug|Release}/
Ivan_Luchsh_ASearch.exe ../../Examples/example.xml
Yakovlev Konstantin Sergeevich
- [email protected]
- HSE website
- Telegram: @KonstantinYakovlev
Dergachev Stepan
- [email protected]
- Telegram: @haiot4105
Luchsh Ivan
- Telegram: @ch0p1k3