Strong Cipherer and Decipherer for text, objects, streams and buffers
yarn add sypher-util
const { cipher } = require('sypher')
const password = 'password'
const key = '01976eaa057ba336a9478ddc5bd9a5dd4ebbdb3256f97c7d2f1ca7fee3e0d0eb'
cipher(password, 'aes-256-cbc', key).then(({ content, iv }) => {
// Encrypted content is in `content`
// Generated IV is in `iv`
const { cipher } = require('cypher')
const { createReadStream } = require('fs')
const source = createReadStream('test.txt')
const key = '01976eaa057ba336a9478ddc5bd9a5dd4ebbdb3256f97c7d2f1ca7fee3e0d0eb'
cipher(source, 'aes-256-cbc', key).then(({ content, stream, iv }) => {
// Encrypted content is in `content`
// Piping stream is in `stream
// Generated IV is in `iv`
const { decipher } = require('sypher')
const key = '01976eaa057ba336a9478ddc5bd9a5dd4ebbdb3256f97c7d2f1ca7fee3e0d0eb'
const iv = Buffer.from('11bef69d2d16fbb1', 'hex')
const ciphered = '...'
decipher(ciphered, 'aes-256-cbc', key, iv).then(({ content }) => {
// Deciphered content is in `content`
const { decipher } = require('sypher')
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs')
const source = createReadStream('ciphered.txt')
const key = '01976eaa057ba336a9478ddc5bd9a5dd4ebbdb3256f97c7d2f1ca7fee3e0d0eb'
const iv = Buffer.from('11bef69d2d16fbb1', 'hex')
decipher(source, 'aes-256-cbc', key, iv).then(({ content, stream }) => {
// Encrypted content is in `content`
// Piping stream is in `stream`
This software is release under the GPL-3.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for further information.