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Releases: Chetkov/php-clean-architecture

Improved public/private elements

31 Jul 20:50
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bugfixes + добавлена возможность задания public и private elements па…


28 Feb 18:42
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Closed the issue

Reports/checks by paths list

03 Sep 17:13
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Partial reports and checks against a list of paths. It can be useful if you want to check for architectural problems or build a dependency graph and analyze not for the entire project, but for some part of it (for example, according to the list of changed files when viewing a merge request). To do this, you can set a list of allowed paths as the value of the PHPCA_ALLOWED_PATHS environment variable.
Usage example:
export PHPCA_ALLOWED_PATHS=`git diff master --name-only` PHPCA_REPORTS_DIR='phpca-report'; vendor/bin/phpca-build-reports {?path/to/phpca-config.php}

Bug fixes

08 Feb 08:38
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bug fix

Allowed state + a lot of small improvements

24 Sep 15:46
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Allowed state - a feature that allows you to save the current state of the project, which will make it possible to ignore the warnings thrown out regarding the pre-existing code. This should simplify the process of connecting this tool to working projects that already have problems that cannot be solved at once. This will allow you to control the configured restrictions when writing new code, but ignore them relative to the old one.

Annotations parsing strategies improvements

01 Aug 14:55
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  • improved: ThrowAnnotationsParsingStrategy
  • added stategy for parsing annotations: method, param, property, return

Reports directory cleaning before reports building

12 Jul 11:22
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Очистка каталога отчетов перед повторной генерацией

Module report improved

12 Jul 10:52
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  • добавлен список элементов внешнего компонента, от которых зависят элементы текущего компонента
  • исправлен баг подсветки недопустимых зависимостей

some improvements

11 Jul 10:00
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Добавлен конфиг управляющий включением/отключением анализа содержимого конкретных компонентов
Описание методов Module
Описание методов UnitOfCode
Исправление ReflectionDependenciesFinder (для совместимости с версиями до 7.4)
Вынесение регулярок в стратегии + перенос CodeParsingDependenciesFinder в другой namespace
Ограничена возможность настройки для модулей allowed_dependencies совместно с forbidden_dependencies и public_elements совместно с private_elements

Added ability to introduce custom reports

28 May 10:46
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