- xAuth - 1.6 ready Auth system.
- xAuth protects users more and stops some events that SimpleAuth does not.
- xAuth does not have permission bugs.
- You can choose what gets stoped if a player is not logged in.
- More config options.
- Use of AsyncQuries.
- Players can type password in chat.
- Easier to login and register for players.
- MemoryManager included to optimize plugin.
- Active developer, will always stay up to date.
#Should I use this over SimpleAuth?
- Yes & no. xAuth is more up to date and better protects your server.
- SimpleAuth is much better at hashing passwords & xAuth is still in development!
#Can I use xAuth now?
- Yes! You can obviously use it, but that does not mean it's ready for production!
#Can I contribute?
- I encourage you too! Please try to use my coding style, otherwise I may go crazy.
#Can you add support for other database types?
- Only MySQL & YML will be supported. I don't reccomend using any other type of database format.
When will this be ready for production? Answer: Soon!
My question is not listed? Answer: Feel free to tweet at @xFlare_Dev on twitter.