POI Data Provider is a web service for provisioning Points of Interest (POI) data. It is a RESTful web service implemented with PHP.
- Introduction
- GEi overall description
- Build and Install
- Running
- API Overview
- API Walkthrough
- API Reference Documentation
- Testing
- Advanced topics
- License
- Support
- Releases
This is the code repository for the FIWARE-POIDataProvider, the reference implementation of the FIWARE POI Data Provider GE.
This project is part of FIWARE. Check also the FIWARE Catalogue entry for POI Data Provider
Any feedback on this documentation is highly welcome, including bugs, typos or things you think should be included but aren't. You can use github issues to provide feedback.
You can find the User & Programmer's Manual and the Installation & Administration Manual on readthedocs.org
A POI data provider stores and provides information based on location
- Searches based on area e.g. circle or bounding box
- Filtering of results using other data values e.g. category, tags, time, ...
FIWARE POI (Points of interest) Generic Enabler is a web server kit that supports
- storing information related to locations
- serving queries by location and other criteria
- can be configured to meet your data needs
FIWARE POI Generic Enabler makes it relatively easy to
Relate any information to places, e.g. ** Tourist attractions / services ** Photos, videos, 3D content ** Special location data of your business ** Imaginary items of an outdoor game ** ...
Search information by location and other criteria
Store information by location
Develop an application that utilizes those capabilities
Specially FIWARE POI Generic Enabler allows you to
- combine your own data with public POI data
- speed up mobile operation by fetching only the data your application needs
- define and use own data structures, if need for extra flexibility
- distribute your service and data to several separately managed servers
- store texts and links in several languages
Build and Install documentation for POI Data Provider can be found at the corresponding section of the Admin Manual.
The POI Data Provider is run as PHP scripts within a web service. It is enabled upon installation. The scripts are run upon external queries. No special action is needed for running.
The POI Data Provider uses REST API. The structured POI data is presented in JSON format. E.g.:
"fw_core": {
"categories": ["cafe"],
"location": {
"wgs84" {
"latitude": 65.059334,
"longitude": 25.4664775
"name": {
"__": "Aulakahvila"
The POIs are identified by UUIDs. E.g.:
"462c375c-3284-4d80-a8a0-6c09608623a5": {
"fw_core": {...}
"5069d6b8-7ded-43c8-b71d-48aec9364ca9": {
"fw_core": {...}
"96f9d67e-9177-4d89-9bbb-e13f4cec7308": {
"fw_core": {...}
Sample query:
GET http://{poi server}/radial_search?lat=65.059254&lon=25.470997&radius=250&category=cafe,restaurant&begin_time=2014-01-23T11:30&end_time=2014-01-23T13:00&min_minutes=30&max_results=2
This finds such cafes and restaurants within 250 m radius at center of Oulu, Finland that are open for at least 30 minutes within given time interval.
Available queries are
- GET /get_components Provide the POI data components supported by this server
- GET /poi_schema.json Provide the full JSON schema of the data supported by this server
- GET /poi_categories.json Provide the POI categories supported by this server Version information
- GET /radial_search Provide the POIs within given circle
- GET /bbox_search Provide the POIs within given bounding box
- GET /get_pois Provide the pois listed by the query
- POST /add_poi Add a new POI to the database
- POST /update_poi Update existing POI data
- DELETE /delete_poi Delete existing POI from database
Thorough treatment of API can be found in POI Data Provider Open API Specification.
You can do a quick test to see if everything is up and running by accessing the following URL:
You should get a JSON structure representing a test POI as a response.
No specific unit tests have been needed so far. See the Sanity check procedures and the Diagnosis Procedures sections of the Admin Manual.
Use the <POI_GIT_root>/poi_mapper_client manually to add, update, and delete some POIs to see it works.
POI Data Provider is licensed under Apache License v.2
Ask your programming questions using stackoverflow. Please, use the tag fiware-poi
- Mostly error corrections
- NOTE: Two of interface changes are introduced:
- In internationalized texts the language key for the language-independent text is changed from "" (empty string) to "__" (two underscores). The reason is that MongoDB does not accept zero length keys. SQL script to update the database: install_scripts/update_fw_core_intl_to_5.1.sql
- Two resources are added to the interface to facilitate automatic configuring of POI-data editor/validator functionality in clients.
- poi_schema.json - Full JSON schema of POI data supported by the server
- poi_categories.json - Description of POI categories supported by the server
- Developer: Ari Okkonen / Adminotech http://www.adminotech.com/
- NGSI-10 interface included
- Errors corrected
- Developers: Ari Okkonen / Adminotech, Timo Mukari / Adminotech http://www.adminotech.com/
- Some POI data may be fetched from external servers e.g. from special sensor data providers or Orion Context Broker using HTTP GET or POST requests.
- Powerful pattern matching mechanism to find the wanted data from the response e.g. from a web page or JSON data.
- Developers:
- Ari Okkonen, Timo Mukari / Adminotech http://www.adminotech.com/
- Mikko Levanto / CIE University of Oulu http://www.oulu.fi/english/
- Developers:
- Ari Okkonen, Mikko Levanto, Arto Heikkinen / CIE University of Oulu http://www.oulu.fi/english/