This aim to show the stock of one or multiple Too Good To Go item using the tgtg-python library.
Sensor data can be used afterward to generate notifications, history graphs, ... share your best examples in the Discussion tab!
- Fetch each item stock defined
- Authenticate using tokens
- Retrieve all favorites instead of a manual list of item_id if no
are defined - Retrieve additional information as attributes, if available:
- Item ID
- Price and original value
- Pick-up start and end time
- Sold-out time
- Orders placed (if above 0, then below attributes also appear)
- Total quantity ordered (total from 1 or more orders placed)
- Pickup window changed (true/false)
- Cancel-until time
- Dashboard card example
Two steps are required:
- Get access tokens, either manually or via Docker
- Install the integration
First you'll need to get access tokens for this integration to work.
This is to be executed outside of Home Assistant, i.e. on your local machine.
- Install required packages.
- Python >=3.8
- tgtg-python library: In a command line, type
pip install tgtg==0.18.2
orpip install --upgrade tgtg
if you already have it.
- Run the tgtg_get_tokens script to get access and refresh token. Save these for later.
This is work in progress.
You only need Docker installed. There is no need to clone the repo because Docker can build from an external URL.
docker build --tag "homeassistant_tgtg_tokens:latest"
docker run --rm -it homeassistant_tgtg_tokens
2. Installation via HACS
- Search for TooGoodToGo in the Integration tab of HACS
- Click Install
- Copy over the tokens in
retrieved in 1. - Restart the Home Assistant server
- ⚠ Each time you add/remove a favorite in the TGTG app, restart your Home Assistant. Favorites are only updated at boot!
- platform: tgtg
# Optional: email so you know which account is used
email: "Your TGTG mail"
# Mandatory: tokens for authentication - see the script
access_token: "abc123"
refresh_token: "abc123"
cookie: "datadome=..."
# Optional: Refresh the stock every 15 minutes
scan_interval: 900
# Optional, use defined items ID instead to get your favorites
# item_id 1
- 1234
# item_id 2
- 5678
, refresh_token
and cookie
can be retrieved using the tgtg_get_tokens script!
Check the tgtg_get_favorites_item_id script!
- Set up email/password
- Run it
- Copy the full output in the
for theitem
Here is an example for a card on your Home Assistant dashboard created by @wallieboy, updated by @Sarnog in #73 and @tjorim. Support for images was later added by @ov3rk1ll in\
Make sure you install the custom auto-entities
and multiple-entity-row
cards as well.
type: custom:auto-entities
type: entities
title: TGTG Surprise Bags
template: |-
{% for state in states.sensor if 'sensor.tgtg_' in state.entity_id %}
{% set entity_id = state.entity_id %}
{% set state = states(entity_id) %}
{%- if is_number(state) and state | int > 0 %}
{% set pickup_start = state_attr(entity_id, 'pickup_start') %}
{%- if pickup_start is not none -%}
'entity': entity_id,
'name': state_attr(entity_id, 'friendly_name')[5:],
'type': "custom:multiple-entity-row",
'unit': false,
'secondary_info': as_timestamp(pickup_start) | timestamp_custom('Pickup on %d-%m between %H:%M and ', true) + as_timestamp(state_attr(entity_id, 'pickup_end')) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M, € ', true) + state_attr(entity_id, 'item_price')[:-3],
'image': state_attr(entity_id, 'logo_url'),
'tap_action': {
'action': 'url',
'url_path': state_attr(entity_id, 'item_url')
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
- It was working before, but now all Too Good To Go sensors are "not available"
- Try to update your tokens using the script and restart Home Assistant
- I have a sensor that shows now as unavailable when there's no stock
- Try add it manually using Item ID - See this issue
- The
integration won't start, all my sensors are unavailable and I have a list of manually defined items ID- Double-check if all items ID defined manually are correct. The integration don't support unknown or incorrect item ID - see issue.