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staygroovy57 edited this page Jul 24, 2015 · 15 revisions


Until protections are created, placing a Compacted item will eliminate its "compaction" status. Be very careful when handling compacted items!

Big Idea

A General Compactor/Decompactor is a new type of factory, and is based on the FactoryMod server plugin. It is subject to the same general general rules of usage and limitations, such as not being able to be physically moved after being set up, and requiring monthly repairs to remain active.

(It is the full featured replacement for the temporary Emerald Cauldron-specific 'Nether Compactor', whose sole purpose was to produce crates for XP. The Nether Compactor is no longer available, and only the General Compactor may be used.)


Trade at volume currently requires unreliable and in some cases dangerous or lossy solutions such as supercarts (see: cobblestone explosion spread across Orion and Olympia). A general purpose compactor will allow people to transport large amounts of goods in their inventory without the only recourse being exploiting unstable or broken game mechanics.

Important Notes

Compacted items can be placed, but lore is not preserved. When you break the item to get it back, it will no longer be considered compacted, at a loss of all but one in the stack.

tl;dr Don't place or use or eat compacted items, you will be sad if you do.

Only full stacks of materials can be compacted.

Only items without lore can be compacted (you can't compact compacted items!).

Once started, compaction will continue until fuel, crates, full stacks of items run out, or the chest is full.

Once started, decompaction will continue until fuel runs out, compacted items run out, or the chest is full.

A few items are intentionally not compactable due to easy duplication bugs. Currently:

  • Books of all types
  • Banners
  • Paper
  • Maps (all types)

In addition, items that don't stack are currently not compactable.

Construction Costs

To create a compactor, put the following in the Factory's chest:

  • 64 "Crates"
  • 16 Redstone Blocks
  • 192 Pistons
  • 64 Iron Ingots
  • 48 Diamonds
  • 24 Slimeballs

and hit the crafting table with a stick. These items are to "emulate" constructing a physical, reinforced compactor with a ready supply of crate mechanisms.

To fully repair, it costs 6 "Crates", 12 Redstone Dust, 18 Pistons, 6 Iron Ingots, 6 Diamonds, and 3 Slimeballs, with 12 Charcoal as fuel.

To build "Crate" objects (lored chests), use the Carpentry factory, which has a new "Craft Compactor Crate" recipe. The recipe costs:

  • 39 Chests
  • 4 Iron Ingots

and produces 54 Lored "Crate" Chests. The lore will read "A crate for compacting items".

Repair Costs

Repair Costs for the Compactor factory are a standard 10% of the original setup costs, and incur every 30 days. If factory falls into disrepair it will remain at 0% for a period two weeks, after which it will expire.

Execution Costs and Outcomes


Put Crate objects in the chest. Then, full stacks of items can be compacted, one stack at a time. Compacting each stack consumes a single Crate and a single charcoal. Once the compaction process is started, it will continue until all stacks, or crates, or fuel is consumed, whichever runs out first.

To see what is currently being compacted, hit the chest with a stick while compaction is ongoing.


Put compacted items in the chest. Single compacted items become a full stack of the same item. Decompaction will continue until all single compacted items are decompacted into full items until fuel runs out or the chest is full.

To see what is currently being decompacted, hit the chest with a stick while decompaction is ongoing.