API wrapper around ClarityNLP
- Endpoint:
- Method:
Returns a JSON list of valid jobs.
- Endpoints:
- Optional Parameters
, e.g.~/job/<task>?async=true
- False by default
- Returns job metadata, use
to call the~/job/results
endpoint to retrieve results.
- Method:
- Input: JSON
You can also optionally pass in FHIR DocumentReference resources to this endpoint. Additionally, you can also pass in the patient_id and a FHIR url if using CQL execution inside of your NLPQL phenotype, e.g.:
{ "reports": [ "some report text goes here", "another report" ] }
{ "reports": [{ "resourceType": "DocumentReference", "id": "1234", "status": "current", "type": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://loinc.org", "code": "46208-5", "display": "Nursing notes" }] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/1927", "display": "GEORGE BURDELL" }, "created": "1927-01-01T00:12:00+00:00", "indexed": "2019-03-07T00:12:00.000+00:00", "content": [{ "attachment": { "contentType": "text/plain", "language": "en-US", "data": "QmFzZS02NCBlbmNvZGUgeW91ciBkYXRhIGhlcmU=" } }] }], "patient_id": "1927", "fhir": { "serviceUrl": "https://apps.hdap.gatech.edu/gt-fhir/fhir", "auth": { "type": "none" } } }
- Return:
- if async: returns a JSON object of job metadata
- if not async (default): returns a JSON array of results
By default, job results return to synchronously to the client.
However, if the client sets the async
flag to true on the job request, the client should request the results in this request.
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Input: JSON
{ "job_id": "1", "source_id": "source_abcde", }
- Return:
- if completed: returns a JSON array of results
- if not completed: returns a JSON object with the attribute
set to false
ClarityNLPaaS operated by internally submitting the NLPQL scripts present in the nlpql
In order to add a new job to the service, a new nlpql with a unique file name needs to be added to this directory.
This new nlpql file name will then serve as the API endpoint. For example, if you add a new nlpql named test.nlpql
the API endpoint for this job would be ~/job/test
. NLPQL can be nested up to two directories deep as of now.
These NLPQL scripts don't persist forever (i.e. if the server is refreshed), however they do allow for immediate testing.
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Input: TEXT
phenotype "Karnofksy Score" version "1";
limit 100;
define final KarnofskyScore:
minimum_value: "0",
maximum_value: "100"
Your response will tell you the endpoint name that you will use to call this job.
Use this endpoint to evaluate NLPQL for validity.
- Endpoint:
- Method:
- Input: TEXT
phenotype "Karnofksy Score" version "1";
limit 100;
define final KarnofskyScore:
minimum_value: "0",
maximum_value: "100"
Your JSON response will have a property valid
, which will tell you whether the NLPQL is valid or not.