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Releases: CodeNow/dock-init

Halt on vault connection failure

26 May 17:49
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Merge pull request #49 from CodeNow/user-vault-rollbar-trap

User vault rollbar trap

Retry AWS tag lookup

25 May 20:43
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The use of the backoff function was not effective, so the attempts were made inside a while loop dependent on the vars having content.

Add private registry functionality

18 May 22:52
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This release adds the ability to access a private registry key using the user-vault.

Delete Vault Tokens

02 May 18:22
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Merge pull request #46 from CodeNow/SAN-6292-add-cleanup-back-in

Delete certs, consul-resources when the dock finishes initializing.

v10.1.1: Merge pull request #43 from CodeNow/bear-clone

08 Feb 00:07
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