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Module for VCV-Rack to convert Note CV in Standard Western Tuning (1 step equals 100 cents) to several Equal Division Tunings.
Makes it possible to compress or stretch a tuning in a range from -3 to +3 percent.
Shows the actual selected tuning.
The yellow digit or fraction on the right side stands for the interval the tuning is based on. Possible values are
- 9/8 .. a just intonated Major Second (aka. Major Whole Tone).
- 8/7 .. a just intonated Supermajor Second (aka. Septimal Whole Tone or Dimished Third) .. 231.174 cents
- 7/6 .. a just intonated Subminor Third (aka. Septimal Minor Third´or Augmented Second) .. 266.871 cents
- 6/5 .. a just intonated Minor Third .. 315.641 cents
- 5/4 .. a just intonated Major Third .. 386.314 cents
- 4/3 .. a just intonated Perfect Fourth .. 498.045 cents
- 3/2 .. a just intonated Perfect Fifth .. 701.955 cents
- 2 .. an Ocatve .. 1200.000 cents
- 3 .. a Tritave or Duodecime (an Octave and a just intonated Perfect Fifth) .. 1901.955 cents
- 4 .. a Double Octave (two Octaves) .. 2400.000 cents
- 5 .. a Just Major 17th (two Octaves and a just intonated Major Third) .. 2786.314 cents
- 6 .. two Octaves and a just intonated Perfect Fifth .. 3101.955 cents
- 7 .. the 7th Natural (two Octaves and a just intonated Subminor Seventh, aka. Harmonic Seventh) .. 3368.826 cents
- 8 .. three Octaves .. 3600.000 cents
The green letters ED stand for Equal Division.
The yellow digits on the left side display the number of equal steps the interval is divided in.
Nine vertically orientated pairs of Note CV inputs and outputs provide the a bility to tune 9 different signals simultaneously using only one module. The outputs are hard limited to -4/+6 Volts C0-C10 (16.35Hz - 16744.09Hz).
Happy tuning!
Music by Ahornberg available here: https://soundcloud.com/ahornberg/sets/equivocal-tuning-33ed4
If you like it, feel free to support further development.