434 commits
to main
since this release
This pre-release is only meant for the Uni testnet. Do not use on mainnet!
Uni-6 testnet instructions
Important! The following config change in app.toml is required:
# Uni-6
minimum-gas-prices = "0ujunox"
- Remove: x/oracle & x/inter-tx by @Reecepbcups in #591
- Added: x/GlobalFee & x/IBCHooks by @Reecepbcups in #597
- FeeShare: Allow registering factory contracts by @Reecepbcups in #566
- Stargate: Bonding Queries by @Reecepbcups in #579
- TokenFactory: Adds ForceTransfer, MintTo, and BurnFrom by @Reecepbcups in #615
Testing / CI
- Add interchaintest as an e2e testing framework by @jtieri in #598
- Speed up interchain test 600% by @Reecepbcups in #597
- CI: optimize depending on changed files by @Reecepbcups in #614
- CI: use github dependency reviews by @faddat in #617
Dependency Bumps
- Version bumps by @Reecepbcups in #576
- wasmd 0.31 + wasmvm 1.2.1 by @Reecepbcups in #613
- SDK v45.15 + CometBFT by @Reecepbcups in #619
- Use new token factory features by @faddat in #621
Command Line Additions
- CLI: adds MAX_WASM_SIZE env var for local testing by @Reecepbcups in #600
- CLI: Specify client.toml variables (gas, gas-prices, note, etc) by @Reecepbcups in #601
- Scripts: Relay CW20 between localnets example by @Reecepbcups in #512
- Updated Roadmap by @Reecepbcups in #612
Full Changelog: v13.0.1...v14.0.0-alpha.1