Up-to-date Rust crate for easy and intuitive working with NBT data.
CrabNBT combines best features of existing NBT crates, to create perfect, easy to use solution.
Big thanks to simdnbt and fastnbt for ideas!
Support for serializing to/from Struct (serde)
Java string support
macro for easy creation
Easy to use system of retrieving values from NBT
Serialization support for individual tags
Support for Network NBT
cargo add crab_nbt
use crab_nbt::{nbt, Nbt, NbtCompound};
// Using NBT macro
let nbt = nbt!("root nbt_inner name", {
"float": 1.0,
"key": "value",
"long_array": [L; 1, 2],
"int_array": [Int; 1, 10, 25],
"byte_array": [B; 0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
"list": ["a", "b", "c"],
"nbt_inner": {
"key": "sub value"
let nbt = Nbt::new(
("float".to_owned(), 1.0.into()),
("key".to_owned(), "value".into()),
("nbt_inner".to_owned(), NbtCompound::from_iter([
("key".to_owned(), "sub value".into()),
let network_bytes = nbt.write_unnamed();
let normal_bytes = nbt.write();
use bytes::Bytes;
use crab_nbt::{nbt, Nbt, NbtCompound};
fn example(bytes: &mut Bytes) {
let nbt = Nbt::read(bytes).unwrap();
let egg_name = nbt
.and_then(|compound| compound.get_compound("egg"))
.and_then(|compound| compound.get_string("name"))
Requires serde
use crab_nbt::serde::{arrays::IntArray, ser::to_bytes_unnamed, de::from_bytes_unnamed};
use crab_nbt::serde::bool::deserialize_bool;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Test {
number: i32,
#[serde(with = "IntArray")]
int_array: Vec<i32>,
/// Using [deserialize_bool] is required only if
/// you are using `#[serde(flatten)]` attribute
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_bool")]
bool: bool
fn cycle() {
let test = Test {
number: 5,
int_array: vec![7, 8],
bool: false
let mut bytes = to_bytes_unnamed(&test).unwrap();
let recreated_struct: Test = from_bytes_unnamed(&mut bytes).unwrap();
assert_eq!(test, recreated_struct);