Nuke Survival Toolkit v2.0.0
Online Documentation: NukeSurvivalToolkit Documentation Google Doc
(Higher Quality images and GIFs, nice sidebar navigation, but slower to load.)
Download Documentation PDF: NukeSurvivalToolkit_Documentation_Release_v2.0.0.pdf
v2.0.0 has some major reorganization and a simplification of the folder structure. More manual menu building to avoid errors and also saves time loading over slower networks, as there is now only 5 main folders added.
v2.0.0 also solves loading errors with nuke 13, upgraded the init and menu py's to be python3 compatible. However, naturally as there are many tools using python buttons and callbacks, The toolset will slowly update as artists update their tools accordingly. But please feel free to write a ticket or issue stating which tool is broken and many myself or the community can aim to fix it up for nuke13 / python3. Thanks for your support
Download the .zip or .tar.gz below