Ponder is a library for creating interactive, in-game guides to help players understand content added by your mod. Ponder allows you to craft detailed and engaging tutorials that showcase mod mechanics in a way that makes it easier for players to learn how to use your mod.
Add the Create maven to your repositories
block in your build script
repositories {
maven { url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fuzss/modresources/main/maven/" }
maven { url = "https://maven.createmod.net" }
Add a property in your gradle.properties
with the latest ponder version
which can be found here,
it should look like the following with the x replaced with the version you got from the link:
ponder_version = x
Then add ponder to your project based on the loader and minecraft version you are using.
Fabric (and multiloader) support are in progress, but not yet functional. Instructions will be added when Ponder is ready for use in those environments.
dependencies {
dependencies {