This package implements a simple normalized fuzzy solver
- Retains info about the fuzzy variables
- List of linguistic values
- Meaning function for each linguistic value
- Define the operators and parameters used in each operator(minimum, maximum, union, intersect, etc)
Define your fuzzy variables
a) Base variables b) Linguistic values c) Meaning functions
Decide on wich operators to use for each operator(and, or, union, intersection, etc) in your logic
Use computeRules function
The rules are executed from left to right.
A and B or C -> [ [A, B, C], [and, or] ]
A or B and C -> [ [ [A, B], C], [or, and] ]
A and B or C and D -> [ [ [A, B], [C, D]], [and, or, and] ]
A and (B or C) -> [ [A, [B, C] ], [and, or]]
A and (B or C or D) and D -> [ [A, [B, C, D], D], [and, or, or, and] ]
BASE_VARIABLES = List[float]
MEANING = List[Dict[str,float]]
FUZZY_VARS = List[FuzzyVar]
FUZZY_RULES = List[Tuple[List[Any '''float or list'''], List[Callable[[float,float], float]]]]