This is a DiscordBot mainly aimed to fulfill the needs for the Video Game Tournament Club at University of Delaware and some of my private Discord Servers. DiscordBot is written in Java using the JDA Discord library. I aim to make a bot that functions as well as other open source bots. :)
mvn clean compile assembly:single
The program requires the JDA Discord library and several other libraries which is included in the contained in the pom.xml file and uses Java 1.11.
* Java 1.11
* net.dv8tion.JDA 4.3.0_339
* org.jsoup.jsoup 1.14.3
* org.yaml.snakeyaml 1.29
* com.sedmelluq.lavaplayer 1.3.78
* org.slf4j.slf4j-api 1.7.30
* org.slf4j.slf4j-simple 1.7.30
* org.json.json 20201115
* com.jagrosh.jda-utilities 3.0.4
The bot needs a substantial amount of new features and enhancements (not to mention refactoring as well) so feel free to submit pull requests!
* Many thanks to Austin Keener and other contributors creating the JDA library.
* Many thanks to Jonathan Hedley creating jsoup, a Java HTML parser.
* Many thanks to Andrey Somov creating snakeyaml, a Java YAML parser.
* Many thanks to sedmelluq creating lavaplayer, the audio player used in this bot.
* D_Pain -
[email protected]