Video chat service for international sign language exchange
- Front-end : HTML, CSS, Javascript, WebRTC
- Back-end : Node.js
- Hosting : Firebase
- Machine Learning : Tensorflow, Jupyter Notebook
- Dataset for ML : Korean Sign language(created by own web-cam), American Sign Language
- Follow the link.
- Click the button to start.
- If you don't have a chat room you want to enter, click the text.
- Click on the room you want.
Or if you still don't have the room you want, click the button to create a new room.
- Enjoy video chat with sign language translation.
- Click the button to end the video chat.
김보금 Bogeum Kim | ML DEVELOPER | @nsbg |
김혜성 Hyesung Kim | WEB DEVELOPER | @Hyesung82 |
박다봄 Dabom Park | DESIGNER & VIDEO PRODUCER | @emptyshores |