The backend TYPO3 is able to display any TCA tables. This extension try just to do the same for the frontend.
- Data
- Filter and Search
- Infos nb/nb
- Pagination
- List view
- Detail view
- TYPO3 CMS 8.7.x - 9.5.99
- PHP 7.2.0-7.2.99
- Create a new TCA or use an existing one
- Create a myTable.yaml configuration
- Create a MyTList.html or use the default template
- Create a MyDetail.html or use the default template
- Add the plugin on a page
- Select the myTable.yaml configuration
- The TCA is the base of this extension
- tcafe.yaml is the extended TCA configuration for the frontend
- The controller reads the TCA, the tcafe and the additional filter, retrieve the datas, then inject the content to fluid
- Fluid is the view
- Use the same backend code of BE.List and BE.Edit views
- No Data model
- No tests
- No flexform
- No DB
- No css
- Use (doesn't use) SQL configuration ?
- Create a new TCA or use an existing one
- Create a myTable.yaml configuration
- set the table to work with
- configure the VIEW
- Create a MyTableList.html or use the default template
- Create a MyDetail.html or use the default template
- Controller read myTable.yaml configuration
- DataFinder get first level records with filter (input, select) relation
- DataFinder get and set the Type of the field used in FLUID Types/{field.config.type}
- update tcafe table
- import tcafe-demo.t3d