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This is an implementation of the CANDECOMP/PARAFAC model for tensor factorization of non-negative data. Missing values are handled by marginalization, i.e. ignored during optimization. The code was used in a project at Technical University of Denmark as part of one of the authors master degree, that ultimately lead to the publication Non-negative Tensor Factorization with missing data for the modeling of gene expressions in the Human Brain. All implementation was done in MATLAB.
- cpNonNeg.m - main MATLAB function
- cpNonNeg_sub.m - NMF solver for CP-subproblem
- krprod.m - Kathri-Rao product for tensors
- matricizing.m - matricizing operation
- tmult.m - tensor multiplication (mode specific)
- unmatricizing.m - tensor reconstruction from matrix
The following script (available in the repository) shows a basic usage of the code. NB! The code will terminate quickly and not neccessarily give meaningful results (due to the random data).
% example script
%% Generate synthetic data
D_true = 5;
N = [1000 50 25]; % Tensor dimensions
Nx = length(N);
F = cell(Nx,1);
for i = 1:Nx
F{i} = rand(N(i),D_true);
% Diagonal identity tensor
for j=1:D_true
% Data tensor
for ip = 2:Nx
sig2 = 0.5; % noise level
C = 5; % affine transformation to ensure non-negatitivty
X = Y + sqrt(sig2)*randn(N) + C*ones(N);
%% Holdout missing data
p = 0.20; % holdout fraction (missing data)
NE = prod(size(X)); % number of elements in tensor
R = rand(NE,1)>(1-p); % holdout logical indices
X(R) = nan; % missing values are treated as NaN
%% Model specification
D = 5; % number of latent componenents in the model
Finit = cell(Nx,1); % initialization of factors (default)
scale = nanstd(X(:)); % scale of data
for i = 1:Nx
% options
options.maxiter = 250; % number of iterations
options.mu = 0; % no multiplicative update steps are taken
options.hals = 1; % hierarchical alternating least sqaures steps are taken
%% Run
% FACT gives back factors in a cell array just as Finit was initialized
% SSEv is the sum of squared (reconstruction) errors in each iteration
% (vector)
% CPUt is the CPU time used in each iteration
Written by: Søren Føns Vind Nielsen and Morten Mørup CogSys, Technical University of Denmark, May 2014