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Amusement Park Manager

UML UML -Luna Park Manager Introduction:

The Amusement Park Management System is a comprehensive system that allows full control over all aspects of the park's activities, from managing employees and guests to creating tickets and ongoing operations.

Main Functions:

  • Guests: Creating guest profiles, tracking visits, purchasing tickets.
  • Employees: Managing employee system and departments.
  • Shops: Managing shop system and controlling operating hours.
  • Opening Hours: Setting opening and closing hours.
  • Weather: Controlling weather conditions.
  • Facilities: Creating facilities and defining categories (children, extreme, etc.), setting minimum and maximum height.
  • Ticket System: Creating various types of tickets (military, child, adult, student), defining discounts, assigning a unique number to each ticket, and more.


  • STRUCT: The structure implementing the function.
  • Each structure implements general functions:
    • initSTRUCT
    • initSTRUCTByUser
    • printSTRUCT
    • freeSTRUCT
    • compareSTRUCT
    • saveSTRUCTToBinFile
    • saveSTRUCTToTextFile
    • loadSTRUCTFromTextFile
    • loadSSTRUCTFromBinFile

Key Entities:

Luna Park

  • Attributes:

    1. Name: char*
    2. Opening Time: time
    3. Closing Time: time
    4. Employees: Person** (polymorphism, inheritance)
    5. Number of Employees: int
    6. Guests: Person** (polymorphism, inheritance)
    7. Number of Guests: int
    8. Shops: shop*
    9. Number of Shops: int
    10. Facilities: LIST
    11. Weather: weather
    12. Ticket System: ticketMaster
  • Functions:

    1. printProfit: Computes daily profit based on purchased tickets.
    2. changeLunaPrakWeatherByUser: Modifies weather description and temperature by user.
    3. changeLunaPrakTimeByUser: Modifies opening and closing time by user.
    4. addSTRUCTToLunaPark: Adds a desired structure to Luna Park.
    5. addSTRUCTToLunaParkByUser: Creates a desired structure based on user parameters and adds it to Luna Park.


  • Attributes:
    1. Weather Type: enum
    2. Temperature: int


  • Attributes:
    1. Hour: int
    2. Minute: int


  • Attributes:
    1. Name: char*
    2. Type: enum
    3. Opening Time: time
    4. Closing Time: time
    5. Dynamic Allocation Flag: int


  • Attributes:
    1. Name: char*
    2. Structure: void*
    3. Height: double
    4. Age: int


  • Attributes:
    1. Person: person*
    2. Ticket: ticket*


  • Attributes:
    1. Day: int
    2. Month: int
    3. Year: int


  • Attributes:
    1. Ticket Number: [12]char (e.g., "T2754FC32SA2")
    2. Visitor Type: enum
    3. Price: double
    4. Utilized: int
    5. Visit Date: date


  • Attributes:
    1. Name: char*
    2. Minimum Height: int
    3. Maximum Height: int
    4. Category: enum


  • Attributes:
    1. Person: person*
    2. Department: enum
    3. Worker Number: int

Ticket Master

  • Attributes:

    1. Tickets: ticket**
    2. Number of Tickets: int
    3. Sorting Type: enum
  • Functions:

    1. addTicket: Adds a ticket to the system.
    2. calcDaily: Computes daily profit based on tickets for a specific date.
    3. calcAllIncome: Computes total profit from all tickets.
    4. sortTicketByID: Sorts tickets by ID.
    5. sortTicketByDate: Sorts tickets by date.
    6. sortTicketByGuestType: Sorts tickets by guest type.
    7. sortTicketByUser: Sorts tickets based on user's choice.
    8. searchTicket: Searches for a ticket based on specified criteria.
    9. buyTicket: Allows a user to purchase a new ticket and returns a pointer to the ticket.
    10. findTicketByUser: Finds the desired ticket based on the chosen sorting type.
    11. findTicketByID: Retrieves the guest's ticket during system startup from files.
    12. printTicketMaster: General print function (void*).



Helper Libraries for Project Usage:

fileHelper Library:

  • Manages all file operations for binary and text files.
    • int writeStringToTextFile(FILE* file, const char* str);
    • int writeIntToTextFile(FILE* file, int num);
    • int writeDoubleToTextFile(FILE* file, const double num);
    • int writeStringTobinFile(FILE* file, const char* str);
    • int readIntFromTextFile(FILE* file, int* num);
    • int readDoubleFromTextFile(FILE* file, double* num);
    • char* readStringFromTextFile(FILE* file, char* buffer, int size);
    • char* readStringFromBinFile(FILE* file);
    • int writeGeneralToBinFile(FILE* file, const void* fileType, size_t sizeOfElement);
    • int readGeneralFromBinFile(FILE* file, void* readValue, size_t sizeOfElement);

General Library:

  • Handles user input and relevant conversions, suitable for string and integer.
    • char* getStrExactName(const char* msg);
    • char* myGets(char* buffer, int size);
    • char* getDynStr(char* str);
    • char** splitCharsToWords(char* str, int* pCount, int* pTotalLength);
    • void generalArrayFunction(void* arr, int size, size_t typeSize, void* (*func)(void* element));
    • int randomNum(int min, int max);
    • int validName(char* name);

listGen Library:

  • Deals with linked lists, creating and operating on them in a general manner (void*).
    • BOOL L_init(LIST* pList);
    • NODE* L_insert(NODE* pNode, DATA Value);
    • BOOL L_delete(NODE* pNode, void (*freeFunc)(void*));
    • const NODE* L_find(const NODE* pNode, DATA Value, int(*compare)(const void*, const void*));
    • BOOL L_free(LIST* pList, void (*freeFunc)(void*));
    • int L_print(const LIST* pList, void(*print)(const void*));
    • NODE* L_insertSorted(LIST* pList, DATA Value, int(*compare)(const void*, const void*));
    • int L_count(const LIST* pList);

User Operations in the System:

  1. Upload the system from a text file.
  2. Upload the system from a binary file.
  3. Initialize Luna Park and reset it:
    • Luna Park Initialization: Initialize all data from a file based on user selection.

After the initial setup, present a menu allowing the following operations:

  1. Print the entire system (Printing Luna Park) - Section 8.1.2
  2. Display system components - Section 8.1.3
  3. Add components to the system (Adding: Worker, Facility, Shop, Guest) - Section 8.1.4
  4. Sorting (by tickets - detailed in structure) - Section 8.1.5
  5. Search (by tickets - detailed in structure) - Section 8.1.6
  6. Additional operations: Section 8.1.7
    • Change the opening and closing times of Luna Park
    • Change Luna Park's weather conditions
    • Calculate and print profit based on user selection (date/total)
    • Automatic execution of the program (the program will display a demo of the system)
  7. Exit and print credits to the program writers.


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