Welcome to our project! Here, you'll find our specially crafted solutions designed for the Hermes engine, complete with built-in tools tailored for both Ubuntu and macOS platforms.
Within this repository, our customized builds for hbcdump and hermesc play a pivotal role in the hermeser module. This module serves to streamline the conversion process from Hermes Bytecode/JavaScript to Jimple, offering enhanced functionality and efficiency. Join us on this journey as we bridge the gap between these languages and facilitate seamless transformations.
hbcdump: Hermes bytecode disassembler
hermesc: Standalone Hermes compiler. This can compile JavaScript to Hermes bytecode, but does not support executing it.
Hermeser Project: https://github.com/DannyGooo/ReuNify
Official Link for Hermes Engine: https://hermesengine.dev/
Offical open-source project: https://github.com/facebook/hermes