The user is able to register and login, basic validity checks are made on the input and the data is then either stored or verified against the SQLite database. Dynamic flash messages are used to commincate with the user.
Once logged in, the user is able to search for items and make purchases from the Shop page. Products are pulled from the SQLite database and displayed dynamically based on the order and filters selected by the user.
If the user logs in on an account which has admin access, the admin dashboard webpages are shown in the navbar.
In those pages an Admin is able to do multiple things: Get an overview of all the current registered users and set them as Admin [Img 1], get an overview of all the orders and mark them as processed (once the item is physically sent to the buyer) [Img 2], and add new products or product categories [Img 3].
$ npm start
Visit http(s)://localhost:8081/ to view the website.
Admin login details:
email: [email protected]
password: davide
Bootsrap | Handlebars | Express | SQLite
Signup/Login system uses a SQLite3 database to store and look-up user data, flash messages are used to notify a user of whether they have registered, have logged in, have logged out or some mistake occured during the process such as a password mismatch or the email not being in our database. Password is securely hashed using bcrypt.