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# Installation Guide

> Note: This document has been translated from Spanish to English using ChatGPT. It may not be perfect. The original document can be found [here](
## Docker

The easiest way to run Digital Queries is with **Docker** and **Docker compose**. It was successfully tested with versions **19.03.5** and **1.24.0** of them, on an **Ubuntu 18.04**. If you want to install locally, without Docker, you can see the section [Direct Installation](#direct-installation).

### Environment Variables

First, we need to adjust the `docker-compose.yml`.

The application uses the images of **Node 8** and **Mongo 3.2**.

In the repository, you will find the template [`docker-compose.example.yml`](../docker-compose.example.yml). Copy the template to a new file named `docker-compose.override.yml` in your local copy of the project; this file will be automatically picked up by the `docker-compose` command (it will override what is already defined in `docker-compose.yml`), and it won't bother in git since it's ignored (in `.gitignore`).

##### Notes
* It's very important that in `STAFF` you add the admin's email or the emails of the administrators. You can even do this before creating the respective accounts on the platform.
* You can comment out the `NOTIFICATION_*` variables if you don't have a defined mail server yet.
* You can configure DemocracyOS with any of the environment variables listed here:
* By default, the application is mounted on port 3000. You can change this port by editing the number on the right under the key `ports` (e.g., `3000:9999`).
* If you prefer to connect to a local database, outside the environment, see the section [Connect to a local mongo database](#connect-to-a-local-mongo-database).
* Port `27017` is exposed so you can manage the database with some MongoDB client, for example, with [Robomongo](
* There are many customized views of Digital Queries found in [`/ext`](ext). Following the same folder pattern as [DemocracyOS/democracyos](
* Environment variables are translated to code variables following the serialization described in [DemocracyOS/config](

After everything is defined, we can start the server by running:

docker-compose up --build

It may take a long time to build. When it's finished and if everything goes well, the server and container will be correctly up and ready to work.

To access the application go to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000).

### Useful Commands

To start the local server:

docker-compose up

If any dependency in `/ext/package.json` changes, you need to rebuild the Docker image:

docker-compose up --build

If you want to use another compose file:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-otro.yml up

To enter the DemocracyOS container:

docker exec -it miconsultapublica bash

To access the database (here named `mi-consultapublica` but can be changed):

docker exec -it miconsultapublica-mongo mongo mi-consultapublica

To quickly inspect the database (within the mongo console):

# enumerar tablas
show tables
# volcar tabla forums
# volcar solo ids, names y titles
db.forums.find({}, {name:1, title:1})
# buscar por id
# buscar por nombre
db.forums.find({name: 'un nombre'})
# borrar 1 usuario por mail
db.users.deleteOne({"email":"[email protected]"})
# borrar todos los usuarios

### Connect to a local MongoDB database

If you prefer, you can connect the application to your local MongoDB. First, make sure it's **Mongo 3.2**, if not, try to use the container that is built in the docker-compose build.

Assuming the database is at `localhost:27017`, change the value of the variable `MONGO_URL`.

- MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/mi-consultapublica
Then, comment the following:
# links:
# - mongo

And add:

network_mode: "host"

Finally, we must comment out the mongo service so that the container is not built.

# mongo:
# container_name: miconsultapublica-mongo
# image: mongo:3.2
# ports:
# - 27017:27017
# volumes:
# - ./tmp/db:/data/db

### Connect to a local SMTP server

For this, we can use the image [namshi/smtp](

For example, if we use a test Gmail account, add to your compose:

image: namshi/smtp
- [email protected]
- GMAIL_PASSWORD=mi-contraseña-que-no-debo-publicar
Then, change the corresponding environment variables of the `app` container:

Note that although the connection to this SMTP server is not encrypted, the connection from the SMTP server to Gmail is encrypted.

# Direct Installation
For this, you should follow the official guides of DemocracyOS on [installation]( and [development](

Briefly, it can be summarized as follows:

- Make sure you have **Node version 6** by checking what `node -v` returns. If not, you can [easily switch between node versions](#switching-node-versions).
- Make sure you have a **version >=3 and <5 of Npm** by checking what `npm -v` returns. If not, you can [easily switch between npm versions](#switching-npm-versions).
- Navigate to the root folder of the project.
- Run `make packages`.
- Add an email of staff that will be the admin. To do this, create the file `config/development.json` with the following content:
`{ "staff": ["[email protected]"] }`
- Start a MongoDB database listening on `localhost:27017`. For example, with Docker: `docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb-dos mongo:3.2`. If necessary, you can change the MongoDB server URL by adding the `mongoUrl` option within `config/development.json`.
- Run the build-watch-serve script of `gulp` (it must be installed) by running `NODE_PATH=. DEBUG=democracyos* gulp bws`. If this doesn't work, you can try running `make run`.
- Go to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000), register your account with the staff email, and log in (no need to validate the email).

##### Switching Node Versions
The `node` version 6.x.x is required to run the platform. We recommend using [`nvm`]( to easily switch between different node versions. Its installation is straightforward, check [its documentation]( If you have this tool installed, you would run `nvm install lts/boron` (which is version 6.17.1) to switch to the valid version. Once installed, you can directly use `nvm use lts/boron`. If you don't like `nvm`, you can try using [`n`](

##### Switching Npm Versions
Once you have changed the Node version as explained in the previous point, you can run `npm install -g 'npm@>=3 <5'`. This will only affect the active Node version.

##### Installing Gulp
Once you have changed the Node version as explained in the previous point, you can run `npm install -g gulp` to install Gulp. This will only affect the active Node version.

### Configuration
The configuration of the local instance is done in the file `config/development.json`. The default values can be seen in `config/defaults.json`. There is an example configuration in `config/development.json.example`. These options are the same as for `docker-compose.yml` except that there is a renaming process, as explained in [DemocracyOS/config](, which basically renames `SOME_VARIABLE_X` to `someVariableX` accessible from the code.

The frontend does not have access to all configuration variables, but only to those listed within the `"client"` option in the configuration file.

### Build Systems
The platform has various ways of building and running.

One way is with `make`. This uses the `Makefile` to run npm scripts as can be seen in its code. Notice how one script jumps to another (e.g., from `run` jumps to `built` and from `build` to `packages`).

Another way is with `gulp`. This uses `gulpfile.js`, which simply imports the file `lib/build/index.js`. There, all possible gulp scripts are assigned with the command `.task(...)`. Whenever you call a gulp script directly, you must supply the environment variable `NODE_PATH=.` so that it finds the modules, otherwise you'll get errors like `Error: Cannot find module`.

Finally, there's the classic way with npm scripts defined in the `package.json` file under the key `scripts`. These are run using `npm run <script_name>`, e.g., `npm run serve`. As you can see, many of these use `gulp`.

The only indispensable command for building the system is `gulp build` as it compiles all js and css files to the `public` folder, and also copies assets (images, fonts, etc.).
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# Extending the Platform

> Note: This document has been translated from Spanish to English using ChatGPT. It may not be perfect. The original document can be found [here](
Initially, Digital Queries was an "extension" of DemocracyOS (DOS from now on). That's why much of its code remained in the `ext` folder. Later, it was decided to revert to the source code of DOS since this `ext` mechanism was more of a hindrance than a help in development. Although the repository is in a state of migration to abandon the `ext`, there are still many things left in `ext`.

This dynamic assumed that the source code of DOS would not be touched at all and everything would be done through "extension". An applied use can be seen, for example, in [ext/lib/site/boot/overrides.js](../ext/lib/site/boot/overrides.js) where many original DOS components are overridden. So **be careful** when modifying React components; if the changes are not reflected, **most likely some `ext` file is overriding them** (there are still many overrides: [boot](../ext/lib/boot/overrides.js), [admin](../ext/lib/admin/boot/overrides.js), [site](../ext/lib/site/boot/overrides.js), and [settings](../ext/lib/settings/boot/overrides.js)).

As mentioned, this practice has been abandoned and it is now recommended to edit the source code of DOS directly.

## Folder Structure

Following the structure of DemocracyOS, we have:

* Everything related to the configuration/profile panel under `frontend/settings`
* Everything related to the admin panel of a specific community/forum under `frontend/admin`
* Everything related to the website, not covered by the above, under `frontend/site`
* API stores used by the front end to communicate with the Web APIs under `frontend/stores`
* Web API endpoints in `backend/api`
* Interfaces with the database in `backend/db-api`
* Database models in `backend/models`

(and in `ext/<those_folders>` the same)

## Main Dependencies
- ExpressJS
- React
- [Stylus]( (.styl)
- [Jade]( (.jade)
- Mongoose

## Builds and Watches

- If the service is up, the site can be built on-demand due to the watch. In other words, any change you make in `/site` has a watcher that observes changes. It doesn't have hot-reload, so you need to reload the page after each change.
- Similarly to the previous point, all CSS is built and has a watcher. It's also necessary to reload the page (without cache).
- If you make changes in the API, you need to kill the service (`Ctrl + C + C`) and restart it. There's no watcher to build the code.

## Images to Change

The images for the home are located in `/lib/frontend/site/home-multiforum/assets` and are as follows:
- Navbar Icon: `logo-header.svg`
- Footer Icon: `logo-footer.svg`
- Central Logo for the Home: `logo-central-home.png`
- Home Background: `background-home.jpeg`
- Icons for the Home Steps List:
- `icono-home-informate.svg`
- `icono-home-participa.svg`
- `icono-home-comparti.svg`

## Texts to Change

You can change any text within `/ext/lib/site`. Some views may use an **i18n** component where the function `t("my.label")` retrieves from the translation file `es.json` located in `/ext/translations/lib/es.json`.

If there are i18n tags that are not found in `es.json`, they most likely come from the core of DemocracyOS.

If you want to see those files, the most convenient way is to enter the container's bash or view the DemocracyOS repository on GitHub.

To enter the container's bash, run:

docker exec -it <containername> bash

The bash opens in `/usr/src` and there you would find the code for all of DemocracyOS and the `ext` folder, which is from this repository.

## Assets

Each folder within `/ext/lib/site` has the views and each one of them may have an `assets` folder from which the component can reference.

When the build is performed, the folder structure remains the same. In other words, if I have an asset in `/lib/frontend/site/home-multiforum/assets/logo-header.svg`, then in the URL it will be at `http://localhost:3000/lib/frontend/site/home-multiforum/logo-header.svg`.

Note that in the code of the home-multiforum component, it is referenced using `url()` or if it's an `<img>` tag with `src=`, it's done like this:


## Mail

The email templates are located in `ext/lib/notifier/jobs`, where you can find everything you need to edit texts, customize, etc.

Keep in mind that there is something very specific in `/ext/lib/notifier/responsive-html-email-template.js`. You should change both the colors and the dimensions width and height for `${baseUrl}/ext/lib/boot/logo-mail.png`.

One thing: If it's very annoying that an email is sent to the author every time a comment is made, then disable it within the middleware `lib/backend/api-v2/middlewares/notifications.js` by removing the "owner" within "topic", which for some reason wasn't there before and that prevented anything from being sent when a new comment was made on the digital query.

## CSS

The main CSS variables are defined in [global.styl](../lib/boot/global.styl).

In general, the organization of CSS is quite complicated. To begin with, it's important to understand that all screens under the same section ([site](../lib/frontend/site), [admin](../lib/frontend/admin), or [settings](../lib/frontend/settings)) share a universal CSS. These CSS files have the name of the section, plus `.css`, and are compiled when building and reside in the post-build folder `public`. That's why when inspecting the styles of a page, you can see that the compiled CSS files are large. The entry `.styl` files for each section are located in the `boot` folder of each section, for example, [the one for admin](../lib/frontend/admin/boot/boot.styl). Subsequently, all those from `ext` are loaded, for example, [the one for admin](../ext/lib/admin/boot/boot.styl). All this is compiled by `gulp`, and it's configured in [lib/build](../lib/build/index.js), where you can see how it loads the main `entries` such as those from `ext`.

Therefore, when you modify a style of a particular component, it may affect the rules of `ext` or the main ones. Please make an effort not to use `!important` and search throughout the code to find which rule might be causing trouble.

## Docker Compose Configuration Variables

These environment variables (e.g., `LOGO` or `STAFF`) are defined in [config/defaults.json](../config/defaults.json). If you want to change the name of any variable, remove or add new ones, you should do it there. Afterwards, to define the value of these variables according to the instance that is running, there are two paths: if it's running locally, without Docker, do it in `config/development.json` (an example in [config/development.json.example](../config/development.json.example)); if it's running in Docker, do it via environment variables, as seen in [`docker-compose.example.yml`](../docker-compose.example.yml), changing the name to all uppercase and using underscores instead of spaces.

For a configuration variable to be accessible from the code, you must import `lib/config` and access them directly. If you are in a React component, only the variables listed in the `"client"` key of `config/defaults.json` will be accessible (since exposing all to the client would be a security risk).

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