This repo was created only for educational purpose I wanted to understand how the rendering works. It do not have any practiacal sense. It slow as hell. The naming of variables are not the best. But should be quiet clear. Try to go inside the code and read it. The most heavy computation part is shadows. First I've tried shadow map. but the algorithm is looks capricious for me. Thats why switched to Shadow Volume. Result much better and the algorithm is more general but much computationally intensive.
Small Documentation: to render the Wavefron obj model need to perform few steps.
- load model
from core import Model some_model = Model.load_model(path_to_model)
- (Optional step) Apply chain of transformations for model. (Or just one)
from transformation import scale, translation, rotate some_model = some_model @ scale(factor) @ translation((x, y, z)) @ rotate((degrees_x, degrees_y, degrees_z))
- Create light. (in Scene class will be used default light if not provided)
from core import Light from lightning import Lightning light = Light(position, # position is (x, y, z) coordinates light_type: Lightning, # type of light (DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTNING, POINT_LIGHTNING, SPOT_LIGHTNING). Default is Lightning.POINT_LIGHTNING center, # Coordinates to which it will directed (makes sense for spot and directional light) )
- Camera MOTOR!!!
from core import Camera camera = Camera(position, # Nothing new center, # Coordinated of point to which camera will "look" fovy, # field of view in degrees (default is 90) near, # near clip plane far, # far clip plane backface_culling: bool, # is faces that "looks" not to camera will be skipped projection_type: PROJECTION_TYPE # PERSPECTIVE or ORTHOGRAPHIC )
- create Scene:
from core import Scene scene = Scene(camera, light, resolution:tuple) # try to guess what resolution means. I think you can do it!
- Add models to scene:
scene.add_model(some_model) scene.add_model(some_another_model) ...
- Render it.
frame = scene.render() # the frame is numpy array (dtype=uint8) with shape (*resolution, 3)
- Save/Convert/visualize the frame.
Some examples: