Material and source code for the EXTRA-seq manuscript
Currently in preprint at BioRXiv:
EXTRA-seq: a genome-integrated extended massively parallel reporter assay to quantify enhancer-promoter communication
Judith F. Kribelbauer-Swietek, Vincent Gardeux, Gerard Llimos-Aubach, Katerina Faltejskova, Julie Russeil, Nadia Grenningloh, Lucas Levassor, Clémence Steiner, Jiri Vondrasek, Bart Deplancke
All sequencing files were deposited on ArrayExpress under the accession number E-MTAB-14800. It comprises raw .fastq files of the different sequencing protocols (gDNA, mRNA, Nanopore, and STARR-seq), as well as .fasta files of the construct sequences, and processed count matrices as .csv files for 9 different libraries (3.5, 3.8, 3.9, 4.8, 4.9, 5.1, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8).
The protocol used Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) barcodes (SQK-NBD114-24) and adaptor sequences for ONT sequencing. Libraries were sequenced on a Minion or a PromethION 2 Solo device using MINFlow114 and FLO-PRO114M flowcells respectively. The raw fast5 and/or pod5 data files were processed using the guppy basecaller v6.5.7 provided by ONT on a GPU server.
guppy_basecaller -i ${root_dir}/pod5 -s ${root_dir}/guppy_out --flowcell FLO-PRO114M --kit SQK-NBD114-24 -x "cuda:0" --barcode_kits "SQK-NBD114-24" --compress_fastq --gpu_runners_per_device 100 --chunks_per_runner 128
Then, for each barcode, we merged the sequences into a unique fastq.gz file:
mkdir ${root_dir}/fastq/
for bc in barcode01 barcode02 barcode03 barcode04 barcode05 barcode06 barcode07 barcode08 barcode09 barcode10 barcode11 barcode12 barcode13 barcode14 barcode15 barcode16 barcode17 barcode18 barcode19 barcode20 barcode21 barcode22 barcode23 barcode24 unclassified
cat ${root_dir}/guppy_out/pass/${bc}/*.fastq.gz > ${root_dir}/fastq/${bc}.fastq.gz
Once we had our .fastq files. We kept the ones matching to our barcodes of interest. We then aligned these on the construct sequences using minimap2, and generated additional QCs:
# Parameters
# Folders
mkdir -p bam/
mkdir -p qc/
mkdir -p bigwigs/
echo "Processing barcode: $barcode"
# Aligning to the construct
minimap2 -ax map-ont --secondary=no fasta/lib6p0_plasmid_seqeunces_for_nanopore_alignment_2024_12_02.fasta fastq/${barcode}.fastq.gz -o bam/${barcode}.sam
# Change sam to bam
samtools view -S -b bam/${barcode}.sam > bam/${barcode}.bam
rm bam/${barcode}.sam
# Sort bam file
samtools sort bam/${barcode}.bam -o bam/${barcode}.sorted.bam
mv bam/${barcode}.sorted.bam bam/${barcode}.bam
# Generate bam index
samtools index bam/${barcode}.bam
# QC
fastqc -t ${nthreads} --memory 10000 --outdir=qc/ fastq/${barcode}.fastq.gz
fastqc -t ${nthreads} --memory 10000 --outdir=qc/ bam/${barcode}.bam
samtools flagstat bam/${barcode}.bam > qc/${barcode}.flagstat.txt
samtools idxstats bam/${barcode}.bam > qc/${barcode}.idxstats.txt
# BigWig
bamCoverage -p ${nthreads} --bam bam/${barcode}.bam -o bigwigs/${barcode}.bw --binSize 10 --normalizeUsing RPKM --outFileFormat "bigwig"
# Remove multiple mapped reads and repeat QC
samtools view -b -F0x900 bam/${barcode}.bam > bam/${barcode}.nomult.bam
samtools index bam/${barcode}.nomult.bam
samtools idxstats bam/${barcode}.nomult.bam > qc/${barcode}.nomult.idxstats.txt
samtools flagstat bam/${barcode}.nomult.bam > qc/${barcode}.nomult.flagstat.txt
bamCoverage -p ${nthreads} --bam bam/${barcode}.nomult.bam -o bigwigs/${barcode} --binSize 10 --normalizeUsing RPKM --outFileFormat "bigwig"
Then, we used homemade scripts (./software/MinionBarcodes-1.0.jar) to extract the barcode sequences at a given position (see the .csv files deposited on ArrayExpress which describes, for each .fasta sequence construct, the exact location of the barcode sequences).
java -jar ./software/MinionBarcodes-1.0.jar Counter --bam bam/barcode23.nomult.bam --config csv/6p0_library_enh_seq_BC_extraction_coordinates_hublib4p75_for_NanoP_alignment_2024_12_02_updated.csv --mapq 0 -o output/barcode23.nomult.tsv >output/barcode23.nomult.log
We provide the .yml file to set up a conda environment including all dependencies used to run Enformer on custom seqeunces. Within the (./software/Enformer/) directory, there are two markdowns that provide example code on
i) how to run Enformer on genomic seqeunces modified to reflect EXTRA-seq inserted seqeunces &
ii) how we processed downstream predictions to derive summarized predictions scores
The (./software/) directory contains the EXTRA-seq_data_processing sub directory with markdown files examplifying how to:
i) count barcodes from genomic DNA and mRNA seqeuncing libraries
ii) filter BC to genotype maps obtained in step 1
iii) creating mpralm logFC summarized expression values for each genotype