Releases: DerekYang2/FluentDL
This release brings important improvements to authentication and bug fixes, including the Youtube API and conversions.
Change List
- Youtube API fixed.
- Added email/password authentication option for Qobuz (stored only locally and encrypted).
- Support for both new/old Qobuz tokens, automatically handled.
- Added automatic Spotify authentication, user just needs to be logged into the web player. Option to use app id/secret is still there, just not required anymore.
- Bug fix to conversions that prevents tracks from being skipped. Bug occurred when a source was in both input and output (e.g. Deezer, Qobuz -> Deezer or Spotify, Youtube -> Youtube).
- Increased default thread numbers in settings, though feel free to change to preference. These can significantly speed up conversions and downloading.
- Add a button to directly download all items in queue. Currently, conversion output must be set to local, which can be awkward and hard to find.
- Newer version notification.
- Settings backup/upload? Currently, running the MSIX or powershell save previous settings but uninstalling removes all data.
- Display max bit and sampling rate in preview panel.
- User guide and Wiki.
Download the
below. Right click on Install.ps1
and press Run with Powershell
The script is safely auto-generated by Visual Studio.
If you do not have this option or it is crashing, see README installation section for the other alternative.
Normally, if you have already installed previous versions, it is sufficient to directly run FluentDL_{VERSION}_x64_MSIX.msix
. HOWEVER, you have to run the powershell script for this release because the certificate was changed. It was updated so that it now expires in 2026.
Certain features, such as downloading high-quality sources, require authentication. ARLS, tokens, email/password etc. can be entered in the settings tab. See README authentication section for more details.
There are two zip files,
The first version only works with the latest qobuz tokens, the second only works with old tokens generated before October 2024. The second is only applicable for those who have old tokens from elsewhere (friend, some server, ...).
Change List
- The Youtube API is currently broken, waiting for YoutubeExplode to release a fix.
- More useful error messages (e.g. downloading from deezer/qobuz without a token).
- Prevent freezing on startup caused by Qobuz API authentication.
- Fix crashes during conversions (e.g. Spotify to Qobuz) caused by Qobuz artist fields being empty.
- Migrated to .NET 8 framework. Seems to have no major functional differences, other than different textbox focus behavior in Settings (?). Might be faster and fixed some visual bugs.
- Add option to login into Qobuz using email and password, possibly add custom/old app ID and secrets.
- Add a button to download all items in queue, since convert to local is a bit awkward.
- Possibly change default threads setting to a higher value.
- Remove need for Spotify authentication (already done, coming in next version)
- User guide
Download the
below. Right click on Install.ps1
and press Run with Powershell.
The script is safely auto-generated by Visual Studio.
If you do not have this option or it is crashing, see README installation section for more details.
If you have already installed previous versions, it may be sufficient to directly run FluentDL_{VERSION}_x64_MSIX.msix
. If you want to install the same version again, you may have to uninstall the existing one first.
Certain features, such as downloading or spotify searching, require authentication. ARLS, tokens, etc. can be entered in the settings tab. If you don't already have these, see README authentication section for details.
The YouTube API recently changed, but internal libraries have addressed the issues.
Change List
- This release fixes the issues with YouTube and Qobuz APIs
- Result limits have been added to YouTube
- Default search source now appears (set to Deezer because it has a public search api)
- The default quality settings are now set to FLAC options rather than the first option
- Fixed bug with directory name display during downloading
Add option to login into Qobuz using email and password.
Download the zip file below. Right click on Install.ps1
and press Run with Powershell
If you do not have this option, see README installation section for more details.
The powershell script is safely auto-generated by Visual Studio.
Certain features, such as downloading or spotify searching, require authentication. ARLS, tokens, etc. can be entered in the settings tab. If you don't already have these, see README authentication section for details.
Only supported on Windows x64 for now.
Download and install the first iteration of FluentDL below! Remember to add authentication tokens and change settings according to your preferences.