What's Changed
- [#3] 사용자 뮤직 라이브러리 접근 권한 요청 by @dbqls200 in #4
- [#6] Create User Shake Action Detect Model by @zaehorang in #7
- [#9] MusicItemRowView 구현 by @zaehorang in #10
- [#5] Music Search Model 및 View 생성 by @dbqls200 in #12
- [#11] Music recommendation Model 생성 by @zaehorang in #16
- [#14] Set core motion background and vibration by @Kimajun0919 in #17
- [#13] Color asset 추가 by @sun0e in #21
- [#15] 음악 재생 플레이어 기능 2 by @dorachoii in #22
- Test 파일 삭제 by @zaehorang in #24
- [#26] 온보딩 튜토리얼 view 추가 by @sun0e in #27
- [#25] 앨범 상세 페이지 by @dbqls200 in #28
- [#30] Shake motion Test(온보딩), Input GIF파일(온보딩화면), 온보딩 완료 후 저장 by @Kimajun0919 in #31
- [#20] 랜덤으로 다음 노래 리스트 만들기 by @zaehorang in #32
- [#29] 홈 화면 구성 by @dbqls200 in #36
- [#34] Title Add Onboarding GIF by @ezelkim in #35
- [#38] Change Tabview code, Add button motion by @Kimajun0919 in #39
- Merge Develop to main by @zaehorang in #44
- Resolve merge conflict by @dbqls200 in #45
- [#41] change onboarding views by @Kimajun0919 in #47
- [#33] 사용자가 선택한 노래 저장 by @zaehorang in #49
- [#37] 재생 버튼에 노래 재생 액션 추가 by @dbqls200 in #51
- [#50] 추천 리스트 모델 만들기 by @zaehorang in #55
- [#48] permission settings notification view settings by @Kimajun0919 in #56
- [#50] 노래 듣는 중에만 노래 교체 by @zaehorang in #59
- [#57] 검색화면에서 발생하는 버그 수정 by @dbqls200 in #60
- [#52] 재생할 플레이리스트 구성 by @dbqls200 in #61
- Merge from Develop to main by @zaehorang in #64
- [#62] Player기능 View 세부 디테일 조정 by @dorachoii in #63
- [#62] Player기능 View 세부 디테일 조정 by @dorachoii in #69
- [#70] Player 컬러 변경 by @dorachoii in #71
- [#66] music player model을 EnvironmentObject로 변경 by @zaehorang in #75
- SampleArtwork추가 by @dorachoii in #78
- [#80] carousel Index by @dorachoii in #81
- [#82] carousel Index by @dorachoii in #83
- 앱 아이콘 수정 및 Media 사용 권한 설명 추가 by @dbqls200 in #84
- Merge from Develop to main by @zaehorang in #85
- Merge newcase to Develop by @zaehorang in #89
- 온보딩 화면 관련 데이터 수정 by @zaehorang in #90
- [#91] 노래 선택 및 스크롤할 때 키보드 내리기 by @dbqls200 in #97
- [#95] 선택된 노래와 관련된 음악 리스트 생성하기 by @zaehorang in #98
- [#99] 온보딩 뷰 수정 및 앱아이콘 수정 by @Kimajun0919 in #100
- [#101] 흔들기 감지 후, 플레이 리스트 교체 by @zaehorang in #102
- [#103] 백그라운드에서 흔들기 모션이 가능함을 설명하는 화면 추가 by @dbqls200 in #105
- [#94] 사용자의 애플 뮤직 구독 관리 by @dbqls200 in #104
- merge from Develop to main by @zaehorang in #106
- [#109] 앱 심사 제출 이후 받은 리젝션 사유 보완하기 by @dbqls200 in #111
- merge from Develop to main by @zaehorang in #112
- [#124] gitignore 목록 업데이트 by @dbqls200 in #125
New Contributors
- @zaehorang made their first contribution in #7
- @Kimajun0919 made their first contribution in #17
- @sun0e made their first contribution in #21
- @dorachoii made their first contribution in #22
- @ezelkim made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DeveloperAcademy-POSTECH/2024-MC2-A3-BlackDragonRiver/commits/v1.0