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Klrfl committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent 184ac72 commit 083e221
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 88 deletions.
176 changes: 88 additions & 88 deletions state_of_html.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -595,37 +595,37 @@ translations:
# ﹤foo type="bar"﹥ (browser incompatibilities, styling limitations, doesn't do X)

- key: usage.html_interoperability_features
t: Browser Interoperability
t: Kecocokan Antar Browser
- key: usage.html_interoperability_features.question
t: Which existing HTML features or browser APIs are you unable to use because of browser differences or lack of support?
t: Fitur-fitur HTML atau API browser manakah yang tidak bisa anda pakai karena perbedaan antar browser atau kurangnya dukungan?
# - key: usage.html_interoperability_features.description
# t: |
# Any type of API the survey has asked about is within scope.
- key: usage.html_interoperability_features.placeholder
t: |
Feature #{index}
Fitur #{index}
- key: usage.html_functionality_features
t: Limited Functionality
t: Fungsionalitas Yang Terbatas
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.question
t: Which existing HTML features or browser APIs are you unable to use for other reasons (and why)?
t: Fitur-fitur HTML atau API browser manakah yang tidak bisa anda pakai karena alasan lain (dan kenapa)?
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.description
t: |
Good candidates might be existing HTML features that you often have to recreate or augment using JS.
Kandidat yang bagus mungkin fitur-fitur HTML yang anda harus buat ulang atau tambahkan menggunakan JS.
Please also specify the reason, such as lack of functionality, difficult styling, poor accessibility, etc.
Tolong juga sebutkan alasannya, misalnya kurangnya fungsionalitas, styling yang sulit, aksesibilitas yang buruk, dll.
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.placeholder.1
t: |
Feature #1 (hard to style)
Fitur #1 (sulit untuk diberi style)
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.placeholder.2
t: |
Feature #2 (limited functionality, poor accessibility)
Fitur #2 (fungsionalitas terbatas, buruknya aksesibilitas)
- key: usage.what_do_you_use_html_for
t: HTML Usage
t: Penggunaan HTML
- key: usage.what_do_you_use_html_for.question
t: What do you use HTML for?
t: Untuk apa anda menggunakan HTML?
- key: options.what_do_you_use_html_for.blogs
aliasFor: options.what_do_you_use_css_for.blogs
- key: options.what_do_you_use_html_for.design_systems
Expand All @@ -644,93 +644,93 @@ translations:
aliasFor: options.what_do_you_use_css_for.web_apps

- key: usage.tools_for_other_developers
t: Ecosystem Impact
t: Dampak Terhadap Ekosistem
- key: usage.tools_for_other_developers.question
t: Other than yourself, how many developers use the libraries, packages, components, APIs etc. that you create or maintain?
t: Selain diri anda sendiri, seberapa banyak pengembang yang menggunakan library, package, komponen, API dll. yang anda buat atau kelola?
- key: usage.tools_for_other_developers.description
t: |
Total, if you work on multiple projects that are used by other developers.
If you’re not sure, pick the closest to your best estimate.
For open source code, npm downloads might offer a useful data point.
Secara total, jika anda mengerjakan beberapa proyek yang digunakan oleh para pengembang.
Jika anda tidak yakin, ambil yang terdekat dengan perkiraan anda.
Untuk kode sumber terbuka, jumlah unduhan npm dapat memberikan poin data yang berguna.
- key:
t: 🚫 None (Just me)
t: 🚫 Tidak ada (Hanya saya)
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.a_few
t: A few other developers (e.g. developers within a small team)
t: Beberapa pengembang lainnya (misalnya pengembang dalam sebuah tim kecil)
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.less_than_100
t: Less than a hundred developers
t: Kurang dari seratus pegngembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.less_than_1000
t: Less than a thousand developers
t: Kurang dari seribu pengembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.more_than_100
t: Hundreds of developers
t: Ratusan pengembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.more_than_1000
t: Thousands of developers
t: Ribuan pengembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.more_than_1000000
t: Millions of developers
t: Jutaan pengembang

- key: usage.html_missing_elements
t: Missing Elements
t: Elemen Yang Hilang
- key: usage.html_missing_elements.question
t: If you could add 3 elements to HTML, what would they be?
t: Jika anda dapat menambahkan 3 elemen ke dalam HTML, apa saja kah?
# - key: usage.html_missing_elements.description
# t: |
# If you use any component technologies, the components you find yourself reusing across multiple projects could be good candidates.

# These could be things like Accordion, Alert, Calendar, Carousel, Combobox/Autocomplete, Context menu, Data Grid, Rating, Tabs, Image Zoom, Switch, Skeleton loading pattern etc.

- key: options.html_missing_elements.accordion
t: Accordion
t: Akordion
- key: options.html_missing_elements.alert
t: Alert
- key: options.html_missing_elements.calendar
t: Calendar
t: Kalender
- key: options.html_missing_elements.carousel
t: Carousel
t: Karousel
- key: options.html_missing_elements.combobox_autocomplete
t: Combobox / Autocomplete
- key: options.html_missing_elements.command_palette
t: Command Palette
t: Palet Perintah
- key: options.html_missing_elements.context_menu
t: Context Menu / Right-Click Menu
t: Menu Konteks / Menu Klik-kanan
- key: options.html_missing_elements.datatable
t: Data table (with sorting, filtering, etc.)
t: Data table (dengan penyortiran, penyaringan, dll.)
- key: options.html_missing_elements.dropdown_menu
t: Dropdown Menu
t: Menu Dropdown
- key: options.html_missing_elements.image_zoom
t: Image Zoom
t: Pembesaran Gambar
- key: options.html_missing_elements.progress_bar
t: Progress Bar
- key: options.html_missing_elements.skeleton_loading_placeholder
t: Skeleton UI / Loading Placeholder
t: Skeleton UI / Pengganti Sementara Saat Memuat
- key: options.html_missing_elements.switch
t: Switch / Toggle
- key: options.html_missing_elements.tabs
t: Tabs
t: Tab
# - key: options.html_missing_elements.toast_message
# t: Toast Message
- key: options.html_missing_elements.tooltip
t: Tooltip
- key: options.html_missing_elements.offcanvas
t: Off-Canvas Area
t: Area Luar Kanvas
- key: options.html_missing_elements.spinner
t: Loading Spinner
t: Animasi pemuatan
- key: options.html_missing_elements.segmented_button
t: Segmented Button
t: Tombol Terpecah
- key: options.html_missing_elements.scroll_area
t: Infinite Scroll
t: Pengguliran tak terbatas
- key: options.html_missing_elements.icon
t: Icon
t: Ikon
- key: options.html_missing_elements.star_rating
t: Star Rating
t: Penilaian Bintang

- key: usage.html_pain_points_freeform
t: Other Pain Points
t: Titik sakit lainnya
- key: usage.html_pain_points_freeform.question
t: Any other pain points around using HTML and related technologies?
t: Ada titik sakit lainnya terkait dengan penggunaan HTML dan teknologi terkait?

- key: usage.html_css_js_balance
t: HTML/CSS vs JavaScript/TypeScript Balance
t: Keseimbangan HTML/CSS vs JavaScript/TypeScript
- key: usage.html_css_js_balance.question
t: How do you divide your time between writing HTML/CSS and JavaScript (or TypeScript) code?
t: Bagaimana anda membagi waktu dalam menulis kode HTML/CSS dan JavaScript (atau TypeScript)?
- key: options.html_css_js_balance.0
t: 100% HTML/CSS
- key: options.html_css_js_balance.4
Expand All @@ -741,46 +741,46 @@ translations:
# other features

- key: features.foo_attribute
t: "`{id}` attribute"
t: "Atribut `{id}`"

- key: features.slot_assignment
t: Explicit slot assignment (`slot="foo"`)
t: Pembagian slot eksplisit (`slot="foo"`)

- key: features.tabindex
t: "`tabindex` attribute"
t: "atribut `tabindex`"

- key: features.respimg
t: "`srcset` and `sizes` attributes"
t: "atribut `srcset` dan `sizes`"

- key: features.model_element
t: "`<model>` for AR/VR/3D content"
t: "`<model>` untuk konten AR/VR/3D"

- key: features.slot_def
t: Defining slots (`<slot>` and `::slotted()`)
t: Mendefinisikan slot (`<slot>` dan `::slotted()`)

- key: features.controlslist
t: "`controlslist` attribute"
t: "atribut `controlslist`"

- key: features.popover_api
t: Popover API
t: API Popover

- key: features.lazy_loading
t: Lazy loading

- key: features.sandbox_attr
t: "`sandbox` attribute for iframes"
t: "`atribut `sandbox` untuk iframe"

- key: features.details_element
t: "`<details>` and `<summary>`"
t: "`<details>` dan `<summary>`"

- key: features.crossorigin
t: "`crossorigin` attribute"
t: "atribut `crossorigin`"

- key: features.host_css
t: Styling component host (`:host`, `:host()`, `:host-context()`)

- key: features.element_internals
t: "`ElementInternals` API"
t: "API `ElementInternals`"

- key: features.cors
Expand All @@ -789,117 +789,117 @@ translations:
t: Content-Security Policy (CSP)

- key: features.structured_data
t: Structured data (RDFa, Microdata, Microformats)
t: Data terstruktur (RDFa, Microdata, Microformat)

- key: features.extended_builtins
t: Extended built-ins

- key: features.html_modules
t: HTML Modules
t: Modul HTML

- key: features.accordion
t: Exclusive accordion
t: Akordion Ekslusif

- key: features.imperative_slot
t: Imperative slot assignment
t: Pembagian slot imperatif

# - key: features.focusgroup
# t: "`focusgroup` attribute"

- key: features.form_validation
t: Form validation
t: Validasi Form

- key: features.aria

- key: features.rh_preconnect
t: "Resource Hints: preconnect (`<link rel=preconnect>`)"
t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: preconnect (`<link rel=preconnect>`)"

- key: features.rh_prerender
t: "Resource Hints: prerender (`<link rel=prerender>`)"
t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: prerender (`<link rel=prerender>`)"

- key: features.rh_preload
t: "Resource Hints: preload (`<link rel=preload>`)"
t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: preload (`<link rel=preload>`)"

- key: features.resource_hints
t: Resource Hints (all)
t: Petunjuk Sumber Daya (semua)

- key: features.rh_prefetch
t: "Resource Hints: prefetch (`<link rel=prefetch>`)"
t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: prefetch (`<link rel=prefetch>`)"

- key: features.declarative_shadow
t: Declarative Shadow DOM (`<template shadowrootmode="open">`)
t: Shadow DOM Deklaratif (`<template shadowrootmode="open">`)

- key: features.referrerpolicy
t: "`referrerpolicy` attribute"
t: "atribut `referrerpolicy`"

- key: features.integrity
t: Subresource Integrity (`integrity` attribute)
t: Subresource Integrity (atribut `integrity`)

- key: features.pwa_manifest
t: PWA manifest
t: Manifest PWA

- key: features.part_attr
t: Exposing component parts (`part` attribute)
t: Mengekspos bagian dari komponen (atribut `part`)

- key: features.part_selector
t: Styling component parts (`::part()`)
t: Memberi styling pada bagian komponen (`::part()`)

- key: features.svg_element
t: Inline SVG (`<svg>`)
t: SVG Inline (`<svg>`)

- key: features.math_element
t: Inline MathML (`<math>`)
t: MathML Inline (`<math>`)

- key: features.scoped_element_registries
t: Scoped Custom Element Registries

- key: features.navigation_api
t: Navigation API
t: API Navigasi

- key: features.custom_elements_defining
t: Defining Custom Elements
t: Mendefinisikan Elemen Kustom

- key: features.decoding
t: "`decoding` attribute"
t: "atribut `decoding`"

- key: features.custom_elements_using
t: Using Custom Elements
t: Menggunakan Elemen Kustom

- key: features.fencedframe
t: Fenced frames

- key: features.credentialless
t: Credentialess iframes
t: iframe tanpa kredensial

- key: features.media_capture
t: HTML Media Capture

- key: features.contenteditable_plaintext
t: "`plaintext-only` value for `contenteditable`"
t: "Nilai `plaintext-only` untuk `contenteditable`"

- key: features.dom_parts
t: DOM Parts
t: Bagian DOM

- key: features.fetchpriority
t: Fetch Priority API (`fetchpriority` attribute)
t: API Fetch Priority (atribut `fetchpriority`)

- key: features.autocomplete
t: '`autocomplete="hint"`'

- key: features.inert_attribute
t: "`inert` attribute"
t: "atribut `inert`"

- key: features.client_hints
t: HTTP client hints
t: Petunjuk klien HTTP

# Survey Help

- key: features.features_intro_html
t: |
Welcome to the survey! These first couple sections are all about figuring out
which **features** of HTML (and related APIs) you know about.
Selamat datang di survei! Beberapa bagian pertama adalah tentang mengetahui
**fitur-fitur** HTML (dan berbagai API terkait) mana saja yang anda ketahui.
By the way, if you want to learn more about any item in the survey, you can add it to your reading list by clicking its little "+" icon!
Ngomong-ngomong, jika anda ingin mempelajari tentang sebuah item dalam survei, anda dapat menambahkannya dalam daftar bacaan anda dengan mengklik ikon "+"!

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