A curated list of repositories in which many NLP/CV/ML papers and related area resources are collected.
The repository is under construction. Please feel free to send me pull requests or email (guodun.li#gmail.com) to add links. Markdown format:
- [Repository Name](link) <br>

- Machine Translation
- Text Classification
- Sentiment Analysis
- Sentiment Analysis
- Sentiment Analysis
- Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
- Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
- Machine Reading Comprehension
- Machine Reading Comprehension
- Relation Extraction
- Relation Extraction
- BERT-based Research
- Pre-trained Language Model
- Sememe Computation
- Text Generation
- Text Generation
- Text Generation
- Text Generation
- Pre-trained LM for Text Generation
- Textual Adversarial Attack and Defense
- Dialogue System
- Dialogue System
- Dialogue Generation
- Dialogue System
- Dialogue State Tracking
- Task-Oriented Dialogue
- Conversational AI
- Sentence Embeddings
- Question Answering
- Knowledge Base Question Answering
- Text Style Transfer
- Text Style Transfer
- Text Matching
- Text Summarization
- Personal Emotional Stylized Dialog
- Named Entity Recognition
- Biomedical NER
- Named Entity Recognition
- Cross-lingual Information Retrieval
- Information Retrieval
- Biomedical Entity Linking
- Open Information Extraction
- Biomedical Information Extraction
- Semantic Segmentation
- Action Recognition
- Image Classification
- Image Retrieval
- Object Detection
- Object Detection
- Image-to-image Translation
- Domain Adaptation
- vision-based SLAM / Visual Odometry
- Face-related
- Scene Text Recognition
- Text Detection & Recognition
- Graph Neural Networks
- Graph Neural Networks
- Graph Convolutional Networks
- Graph Classification
- Graph Representation Learning
- Graph Representation Learning
- Network Embeddings
- Knowledge Graph Embeddings
- Community Detection
- Topological Data Analysis
- Graph Adversarial Learning
- Graph Computing
- Knowledge Graph Construction
- Knowledge Embeddings
- Knowledge Graph
- Knowledge Graph
- Knowledge Graph
- Knowledge Graph
- Image Captioning
- Image Captioning
- Visual Question Answering
- Visual Question Answering
- Visual Question Answering
- Multimodal Machine Translation
- Visual Grounding
- Weak Supervision
- Awesome-VAEs
- Unsupervised Learning
- Meta Learning
- Few Shot Learning
- Few Shot Learning
- Capsule Networks
- Decision Tree
- Cell Detection & Segmentation
- Fraud Detection
- Graph-based Fraud Detection
- Legal Intelligence
- Data Augmentation
- Decision Making
- Multi-Label Learning
Thanks to authors of all the repositories I cite. :)