Releases: DougBeney/jekyll-pug
You can now compile to PHP!
So, I was restructuring a Wordpress theme to use Pug and Jekyll in development and ran into a problem: Jekyll Pug <=1.5.2 only compiles .html files.
Luckily, this was an easy fix.
If you'd like to compile to PHP, simply add the following to your _config.yml
php: true
You now have the option to use a shipped Pug version + Siteleaf deployment!
Note: Instead of the pug-cli
package, install the pug
npm install pug -g
Just upgraded our pug-ruby
dependency to 2.x.
What is a "shipped" Pug version? It is versions of pug.js that are installed when the pug-ruby gem is installed on your computer. (Jekyll-Pug uses pug-ruby to process Pug code)
Now, you have the option to choose a shipped version. This comes in handy if you are deploying to a server/service such as Siteleaf where installing a global NPM package is not an option. Note: Pug includes do not work on a shipped version of Pug. Use Jekyll includes instead when dealing with a shipped version of Pug
Your computer/server will still need the Node runtime installed, but you do not need to install the pug NPM package to use a shipped Pug version.
Refer to the file to learn how to use shipped versions.
Caching!! Your projects will now build VERY fast.
To get this update, run bundle update
in your project directory.
If you are new here, I recommend reading our documentation to learn how to install Jekyll-Pug.
Caching is now implemented. When you build your Jekyll-Pug project, you will notice a pug-cache
directory created. That is where cached files will go.
I recommend adding the line pug-cache
to your .gitignore just because you do not need cached files in your repository. Keep that project size tiny! :)
A lot of great changes from version 0.0.1!
- COMPLETELY REWRITTEN! Faster performance, better efficiency, and a better integration with the Jekyll rendering engine
- Complete freedom with Jekyll include tags. Include your Pug files as well as any other files that Jekyll supports, including SVG.
- Regular Pug includes now work flawlessly!
- User configuration options for enabling/disabling Pug minification.
- Updated documentation to reflect version 1.0.0 changes.
- Fixed compatibility with custom source folders.
- Added changelog
If you are using version 0.0.1
, update by typing bundler update
Please follow the readme to learn the best way to install jekyll-pug. Additionally, there is a .gem
file attached to this release in case you need it.