[To be] a timeline-based animation editor for the web:
Take a look at this page if you wanna see a demo. It's our first attempt to use TheatreJS in a real-world project!
Note: Please make sure you're not confusing this project with TheaterJS
This is a work-in-progress and we're actively working on getting it ready for public release, so please stay tuned :)
Right now we have to partially replace two modules (the timeline data saver (done) and the ui) and refactor some of the code into separate components. Then 0.2
will be officially ready and we'll post installation instructions and tutorials.
was not a public release, but some of our demos depend on it, so we keep it in a separate branch.
TheatreJS will be free and open-source. We're discussing which open-source licensing model to choose, and whether to include a commercial license.