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Channel Monitor 是一个用于监控OneAPI/NewAPI/OneHub渠道的工具,它直接读取channels和abilities数据表,每间隔一段时间测试每个渠道的模型可用性,根据请求是否成功更新可用模型,写入到数据表中,以此来实现渠道的自动监控,保证整体OneAPI/NewAPI/OneHub的高可用,尽可能减少错误返回次数。

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Channel Monitor

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Channel Monitor is a tool designed for monitoring OneAPI/NewAPI channels. It directly reads the channels data table and tests the availability of each channel's models at regular intervals. Based on whether the requests are successful, it updates the available models and writes them to the data table, thus achieving automated monitoring of the channels. This ensures high availability of the overall OneAPI/NewAPI and minimizes the number of error returns.


  • Directly read and write to the OneAPI/NewAPI database
  • Test the availability of each model in the channels
  • Automatically fetch available models from upstream
  • Automatically update the available models in the database for each channel
  • Support exclusion of channels and models from monitoring
  • Support configurable intervals
  • Support multiple database types, including MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server
  • Concurrent testing
  • Request rate limiting at the second level
  • Support Uptime Kuma, push URL during testing to visualize model availability
  • Support update notifications via SMTP email and Telegram Bot



Download the latest version of the binary file from the Releases page. After configuring config.json in the same directory, you can run it. It is recommended to use tools like screen or nohup to run it in the background. Note ⚠️: If you need to use an SQLite database, please use the Docker solution or compile yourself after enabling CGO.

mkdir ChannelMonitor && cd ChannelMonitor
chmod +x ChannelMonitor_linux_amd64
# Download and modify the configuration file
wget -O config.json
nano config.json
screen -S ChannelMonitor


docker pull dulljz/channel-monitor
# Download and modify the configuration file
wget -O config.json
nano config.json
# If using the host's database, you can simply use the host mode,
# and use localhost:3306 as the database address
docker run -d --name ChannelMonitor -v ./config.json:/app/config.json --net host dulljz/channel-monitor
# If using an SQLite database, mount the database file
# docker run -d --name ChannelMonitor -v ./config.json:/app/config.json -v /path/to/database.db:/app/database.db dulljz/channel-monitor

Docker Compose

version: '3'
    image: dulljz/channel-monitor
      - ./config.json:/app/config.json
      # If using an SQLite database, mount the database file
      # - /path/to/database.db:/app/database.db
    # If using the host's database, you can simply use the host mode,
    # and use localhost:3306 as the database address
    network_mode: host
# Download and modify the configuration file
wget -O config.json
nano config.json
docker-compose up -d


The configuration file is config.json located in the same directory, with the following format:

  "oneapi_type": "oneapi",
  "exclude_channel": [5],
  "exclude_model": ["advanced-voice", "minimax_s2v-01", "minimax_video-01", "minimax_video-01-live2d"],
  "models": ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4o"],
  "force_models": false,
  "time_period": "1h",
  "max_concurrent": 5,
  "rps": 5,
  "db_type": "YOUR_DB_TYPE",
  "db_dsn": "YOUR_DB_DSN",
  "base_url": "http://localhost:3000",
  "system_token": "YOUR_SYSTEM_TOKEN",
  "uptime-kuma": {
    "status": "disabled",
    "model_url": {
      "gpt-3.5-turbo": "",
      "gpt-4o": ""
    "channel_url": {
      "5": ""
  "notification": {
    "smtp": {
      "enabled": false,
      "host": "",
      "port": 25,
      "username": "[email protected]",
      "password": "your-password",
      "from": "[email protected]",
      "to": "[email protected]"
    "webhook": {
      "enabled": false,
      "type": "telegram",
      "telegram": {
        "chat_id": "YOUR_CHAT_ID",
        "retry": 3
      "secret": "YOUR_WEBHOOK_SECRET"

Configuration explanation:

  • oneapi_type: Type of OneAPI, including oneapi, newapi, onehub (reserved field, currently has no effect)
  • exclude_channel: IDs of channels to exclude from monitoring
  • exclude_model: IDs of models to exclude from monitoring
  • models: List of models, used only when unable to retrieve models from the channel (/v1/models)
  • force_models: If true, only the above models will be tested, and channel models will not be fetched. Default is false
  • time_period: Interval for testing model availability, recommended not less than 30 minutes, accepts time formats s, m, h
  • max_concurrency: Maximum number of concurrent tests within a channel, default is 5
  • rps: Requests per second within a channel, default is 5
  • db_type: Database type, including mysql, sqlite, postgres, sqlserver
  • db_dsn: Database DSN string, the format varies by database type. Examples below
  • base_url: The base URL for OneAPI/NewAPI/OneHub. If using host mode, you can directly use http://localhost:3000. Currently, only OneHub requires this field.
  • system_token: System token, currently only required for OneHub.
  • uptime-kuma: Configuration for Uptime Kuma. The status can be enabled or disabled. The model_url and channel_url are the availability Push URLs for models and channels.
  • notification: Configuration for update notifications, including SMTP email and Telegram Bot
  • notification.smtp: SMTP email configuration, where enabled is true or false, host is the SMTP server address, port is the server port, username and password are login credentials, from is the sender's email, and to is the recipient's email
  • notification.webhook: Webhook configuration, where enabled is true or false, type currently only supports telegram, telegram contains Telegram Bot settings, chat_id is your telegram ID, retry is the number of retry attempts, and secret is the API key


  "db_type": "mysql",
  "db_dsn": "username:password@tcp(host:port)/dbname"


  "db_type": "sqlite",
  "db_dsn": "/path/to/database.db"


  "db_type": "postgres",
  "db_dsn": "host=host port=port user=username password=password dbname=dbname sslmode=disable"

SQL Server

  "db_type": "sqlserver",
  "db_dsn": "sqlserver://username:password@host:port?database=dbname"


Channel Monitor 是一个用于监控OneAPI/NewAPI/OneHub渠道的工具,它直接读取channels和abilities数据表,每间隔一段时间测试每个渠道的模型可用性,根据请求是否成功更新可用模型,写入到数据表中,以此来实现渠道的自动监控,保证整体OneAPI/NewAPI/OneHub的高可用,尽可能减少错误返回次数。







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