676 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- verifymentor api added by @rakeshSgr in #2
- fixing routing issue by @rakeshSgr in #3
- user name added in to the token by @rakeshSgr in #4
- Modified express validator by @aman-tunerlabs in #5
- Added Has accepted T&C by @aman-tunerlabs in #6
- ADDED: Login, Register, regenerate access token, logout services by @aman-g202 in #1
- Development by @rakeshSgr in #7
- Email template by @rakeshSgr in #8
- Development by @rakeshSgr in #9
- validation message update by @rakeshSgr in #10
- Development by @rakeshSgr in #11
- reset api changes by @rakeshSgr in #12
- generate opt validation of password by @rakeshSgr in #13
- redis fixes by @rakeshSgr in #14
- redis cache delete after validating by @rakeshSgr in #15
- model change to camel case by @rakeshSgr in #16
- user model changes by @rakeshSgr in #17
- readme file update by @rakeshSgr in #18
- Prettier & Pre-Hook by @joffinjoy in #20
- Modified Eslint Rule by @joffinjoy in #22
- circle ci added by @rakeshSgr in #24
- Apidoc by @ankitpws in #21
- Checked spelling mistake by @ankitpws in #26
- Test case by @rakeshSgr in #27
- Added JsConfig With Paths & Module-Aliases by @joffinjoy in #23
- Added list user api by @ankitpws in #28
- Added postman Collection by @ankitpws in #31
- Added Docker setup in readme file by @ankitpws in #33
- test cases added by @rakeshSgr in #32
- mentor rating changes by @rakeshSgr in #34
- Localization by @rakeshSgr in #36
- Added Education Qualification by @ankitpws in #37
- added mentor profile share api by @nevil-mathew in #35
- apiresponse fix by @rakeshSgr in #38
- fixed share profile api by @ankitpws in #40
- apiResponses changes by @nevil-mathew in #39
- added apidoc by @nevil-mathew in #42
- Caching by @ankitpws in #43
- fixed form caching problem by @ankitpws in #45
- Moved mentor profile from mentoring to user side by @ankitpws in #46
- redis fix by @nevil-mathew in #48
- fixed update form version by @ankitpws in #47
- Migrations by @ankitpws in #44
- added env variables by @ankitpws in #49
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #51
- license by @rakeshSgr in #53
- Internal cache fix by @ankitpws in #52
- 799 help api by @nevil-mathew in #41
- added email migrations by @nevil-mathew in #54
- Internal cache fix by @ankitpws in #55
- env name change by @nevil-mathew in #56
- removed help api by @nevil-mathew in #58
- Passed required data in form api by @ankitpws in #59
- added api doc and updated postman collection by @ankitpws in #57
- added hindi response by @nevil-mathew in #60
- added preferredLanguage to user model by @nevil-mathew in #61
- added Email encryption and script for email encryption and decrypt by @ankitpws in #63
- added integration testing by @nevil-mathew in #62
- fixing one error by @ankitpws in #64
- added base64 decoding to users by @ankitpws in #65
- added preferredLanguage by @nevil-mathew in #66
- release 2.2 by @rakeshSgr in #68
- Ansible by @rakeshSgr in #69
- added email encryption package to user services by @ankitpws in #70
- ansible fix by @rakeshSgr in #71
- ansible fix by @rakeshSgr in #72
- ansible script fixes by @rakeshSgr in #73
- Ansible by @rakeshSgr in #75
- oci intigration by @rakeshSgr in #76
- Circleci integration by @nevil-mathew in #67
- updated gitignore and commonTest by @nevil-mathew in #77
- updated circleci config by @nevil-mathew in #79
- api-doc fixes by @rakeshSgr in #81
- Updated by @nevil-mathew in #80
- added lean plugin to all services by @ankitpws in #78
- kafka js fixes by @rakeshSgr in #84
- mongo replica set changes by @rakeshSgr in #85
- mongo fix by @rakeshSgr in #88
- mongo fix by @rakeshSgr in #89
- updated en and hi for OTP_INVALID by @nevil-mathew in #90
- updated validator to check path existence by @nevil-mathew in #83
- Codefix by @ankitpws in #86
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #87
- added read all form api by @nevil-mathew in #91
- to check cloud storage by @rakeshSgr in #93
- to check cloud storage by @rakeshSgr in #94
- to check cloud storage by @rakeshSgr in #95
- to check cloud storage by @rakeshSgr in #96
- to check cloud storage by @rakeshSgr in #97
- to check cloud storage by @rakeshSgr in #98
- Gcp path by @rakeshSgr in #99
- to check cloud storage by @rakeshSgr in #100
- ansible script changes by @rakeshSgr in #102
- added logging package by @nevil-mathew in #101
- removed ENABLE_LOG by @nevil-mathew in #103
- package update by @rakeshSgr in #104
- updated elevate-logger to 3.1 by @nevil-mathew in #106
- Docker compose by @rakeshSgr in #105
- mentor list api changes by @rakeshSgr in #107
- updated USER_DOESNOT_EXISTS toast message by @nevil-mathew in #110
- Bug 632 by @rakeshSgr in #111
- validation fix by @rakeshSgr in #112
- validation fix by @rakeshSgr in #113
- validation fix by @rakeshSgr in #114
- Updated login error response message by @nevil-mathew in #115
- email dot issue fix by @rakeshSgr in #116
- list mentors api fixed by @rakeshSgr in #117
- Develop by @rakeshSgr in #118
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #74
- healthcheckFix by @rakeshSgr in #119
- healthcheckFix by @rakeshSgr in #120
- healthcheckFix by @rakeshSgr in #121
- updated USER_DOESNOT_EXISTS response by @nevil-mathew in #122
- Release 2.4.0: Prod Deployment by @joffinjoy in #123
- updated ansible script by @nevil-mathew in #125
- Develop by @rakeshSgr in #126
- User delete flow by @priyanka-TL in #124
- listed deleted user if internal token is passed by @priyanka-TL in #127
- authenticator optimization by @priyanka-TL in #128
- message change by @priyanka-TL in #129
- authenticator message change by @priyanka-TL in #130
- Release 2.4.1 by @joffinjoy in #131
- updated /logout to handle deleted users by @nevil-mathew in #133
- updated failureResponse by @nevil-mathew in #134
- Release 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 by @joffinjoy in #138
- Admin and role apis by @priyanka-TL in #139
- PostgreSQL and account controller changes by @priyanka-TL in #132
- Form apis by @priyanka-TL in #135
- Admin and role apis by @priyanka-TL in #137
- Form apis by @priyanka-TL in #141
- added script to update email headers by @nevil-mathew in #143
- Develop 2.4 by @joffinjoy in #145
- User and cleanup by @priyanka-TL in #142
- Kafka Fix by @joffinjoy in #147
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #146
- PR Changes includes default org, entities implementation, redis key etc by @priyanka-TL in #148
- updated env variable by @priyanka-TL in #140
- [Temporary] Restoring Api-doc file to master version by @joffinjoy in #150
- apidoc by @priyanka-TL in #151
- updated ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED response message [ to master] by @nevil-mathew in #152
- added script to update AP email templates by @nevil-mathew in #155
- Org-Admin & Organisation APIs Added by @joffinjoy in #156
- Added Admin API Api-doc by @joffinjoy in #157
- Api doc saas by @joffinjoy in #158
- Adapted To Entity_Type API-Docs for Gender & Preferred Language by @joffinjoy in #159
- apidoc fixes by @priyanka-TL in #160
- entity entity type apidoc by @priyanka-TL in #161
- Added EventBroadcaster Implementation by @joffinjoy in #163
- Saas by @joffinjoy in #165
- Saas by @joffinjoy in #164
- Saas by @joffinjoy in #166
- Fixed account/list api by @nevil-mathew in #169
- Admin creation fix by @priyanka-TL in #170
- uncommented text convertion by @nevil-mathew in #171
- KATHA- 2372 - [Internal api added for organisation Read] by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #172
- Katha 2373 : [Entity type Inherit api change] by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #174
- updated APIs to use new entity flows by @nevil-mathew in #175
- updated postman collection by @nevil-mathew in #177
- [user service]Postman doc changes by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #178
- postman collection by @priyanka-TL in #181
- removed location from exclude options by @nevil-mathew in #182
- updated entity related function in utils by @nevil-mathew in #183
- Project restructure by @joffinjoy in #179
- SAAS and Project Restructing by @priyanka-TL in #185
- fixed entity type read api by @nevil-mathew in #186
- env validations by @priyanka-TL in #187
- user/read api fix by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #188
- Fixes by @priyanka-TL in #189
- email template fix by @priyanka-TL in #190
- added /share to internalAccessUrls by @nevil-mathew in #191
- inheritEntityType api changes by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #192
- Response changes by @priyanka-TL in #193
- Postman collection changes by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #194
- doc changes by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #195
- bulk upload changes - check user exist, email template change by @priyanka-TL in #196
- List Fix by @joffinjoy in #197
- Query Fix by @joffinjoy in #198
- Fixed Pagination Middleware by @joffinjoy in #199
- Event broadcast req key changes by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #200
- Internal access token added by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #201
- base url added to internal calls by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #202
- Form notification org by @joffinjoy in #203
- update existing user by @priyanka-TL in #204
- fix for assign org by @priyanka-TL in #206
- added location to user create response by @nevil-mathew in #205
- Password Reset Token Roles Fix by @joffinjoy in #207
- Fixed EntityTypeRead API by @joffinjoy in #209
- Notification create, update and read API by @priyanka-TL in #210
- Create Account Notification Template CHange For Org by @joffinjoy in #212
- Fixed Default Form Fetch by @joffinjoy in #213
- Removed Code Being Unique For Notification Template by @joffinjoy in #214
- Notification workflows by @joffinjoy in #215
- Modified Form Read For Default Org Fallback by @joffinjoy in #219
- SAAS changes by @priyanka-TL in #208
- Registration OTP Fix by @joffinjoy in #223
- Fixed Query Response For Update User by @joffinjoy in #224
- Notification template selection changes for user service by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #222
- template fix and console by @priyanka-TL in #228
- console and fix email template by @priyanka-TL in #227
- Fixed an issue with findOneEmailTemplate 'status' filter by @nevil-mathew in #229
- Template fix by @priyanka-TL in #230
- Replicating Processors In User Service by @joffinjoy in #231
- Added Missing Other Case by @joffinjoy in #232
- Develop 2.5 deploy by @joffinjoy in #233
- Role request email issue fix by @priyanka-TL in #234
- 1042 by @priyanka-TL in #235
- 1043 fix by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #236
- fix for issue 1046 by @priyanka-TL in #237
- Optimisation fixes 2394 2392 2390 by @nevil-mathew in #238
- removed error on empty response by @nevil-mathew in #239
- Task#1052 - Role change request changes by @priyanka-TL in #240
- Task#2405 - Organization details in user APIs by @priyanka-TL in #241
- Task#1052 by @priyanka-TL in #242
- Bug fix - 1066 by @priyanka-TL in #243
- added auto append to related orgs by @nevil-mathew in #245
- Fixes based on task 2407 by @nevil-mathew in #244
- fixed an issue with update api by @nevil-mathew in #246
- added related org mapping by @nevil-mathew in #247
- renamed org to organization by @nevil-mathew in #248
- fixed an issue with seeder by @nevil-mathew in #249
- updated db schema by @nevil-mathew in #250
- Email OTP highlight issue by @priyanka-TL in #251
- updated user table and queries by @nevil-mathew in #252
- remove unwanted variable by @nevil-mathew in #253
- fixed import issue by @nevil-mathew in #255
- role validation check changes by @priyanka-TL in #257
- Removed associations and added org id as the composite PK by @nevil-mathew in #258
- role change request message change by @priyanka-TL in #259
- updated user org invites to work with user creds by @nevil-mathew in #261
- issue 1074 by @priyanka-TL in #260
- URL for login is missing for invite mail by @priyanka-TL in #262
- fixed an issue with user invite by @nevil-mathew in #263
- field validations for csv by @priyanka-TL in #264
- name validation added by @priyanka-TL in #265
- removed unique from email by @nevil-mathew in #266
- invalidated allow_filtering in request by @nevil-mathew in #267
- empty csv output handling by @priyanka-TL in #268
- different toast message when user clicks on Become a mentor by @priyanka-TL in #269
- removed email from token by @nevil-mathew in #270
- removed onUpdate from users table by @nevil-mathew in #273
- user service postman collection by @priyanka-TL in #271
- deactivateUpcomingSession api modification by @priyanka-TL in #272
- added search api and views by @nevil-mathew in #274
- removed hard coded model name by @nevil-mathew in #275
- apidoc by @priyanka-TL in #276
- changed /generateToken response code by @nevil-mathew in #277
- Develop 2.5 list changes by @joffinjoy in #278
- Delete user fix by @priyanka-TL in #279
- query based on DC column by @priyanka-TL in #280
- Delete user credentials fix by @joffinjoy in #281
- Removed id From Credential Update by @joffinjoy in #282
- filter with dc column by @priyanka-TL in #283
- [#1108]updated login endpoint to return valid images and updated response message for invalid token. by @nevil-mathew in #284
- Updated REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRED response by @nevil-mathew in #285
- added migration to remove email as unique from org_user_invite table by @nevil-mathew in #286
- Schema updates by @nevil-mathew in #288
- access token expiry change for testing by @priyanka-TL in #291
- fix for admin email by @priyanka-TL in #290
- fix for change the organization_id of the user by @priyanka-TL in #292
- OrgIdFixes by @joffinjoy in #296
- updated /resetPassword to return correct image URL by @nevil-mathew in #303
- Made Cache Invalidation Non-Optional by @joffinjoy in #304
- [BUG#1142] Updated user credentials to do a hard delete on delete request by @nevil-mathew in #305
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #306
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #173
- [Do not Merge] Hotfix 2.5 - Issue:1157 Modified RestructureBody And ProcessDbResponse Function To… by @joffinjoy in #320
- Single entity type fix by @joffinjoy in #330
- Hotfix 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #335
- remove mongo dependency by @priyanka-TL in #384
- Mongo removal by @priyanka-TL in #395
- docker compose changes by @priyanka-TL in #391
- view script changes by @priyanka-TL in #410
- circular dependency fix by @priyanka-TL in #424
- Component name update by @nanditha938 in #426
- Changed product and component name to Mentor. by @nanditha938 in #425
New Contributors
- @aman-tunerlabs made their first contribution in #5
- @aman-g202 made their first contribution in #1
- @ankitpws made their first contribution in #21
- @nanditha938 made their first contribution in #426
Full Changelog: