A Project that mimics the FrontEnd part of Spotify Web player.
npm install
npm run serve
Runs the project by default on port:8080
npm run build
The project is found in a /dist folder under the same directory after building
npm run test:unit
This command runs all the unit tests and generates a coverage report index.html including details about all components The generated coverage report is found in the project directory under /coverage/Icov-report
npm run styleguide:build
To generate the report under /styleguide folder in the project directory
npm run lint --fix
For mocking we use Mirage.js The server is established in development environment automatically and runs on the same port as the frontend code where it intercepts all the requests and api calls and mocks their responses through defined routes
some changes should be made in the development env :
- prevent mirage from runing by changing the condition in main.js from development to production
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
- define the axios base url to direct the calls to the deployed back end server in main.js
axios.defaults.baseURL = "https://thesymphonia.ddns.net/api";
When deployed in a Production environment, the Mirage server is not established and it doesn't intercept the calls to the api The publicPath is taken form the domain name where the project runs