docker 0.9 and higher
Set up the demon on the docker host so that it uses the network and not just Unix sockets.
$ sudo vi /etc/default/docker
and edit it as follows:
DOCKER_OPTS="-r=true -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock ${DOCKER_OPTS}"
Then run:
$ sudo service docker restart
clone the microscaler docker installer github repo
$ git clone
$ cd acmeair-netflixoss-dockerlocal
build the docker containers for microscaler and host agent:
$ docker build -t acmeair/base base
$ docker build -t acmeair/microscaler microscaler
$ docker build -t acmeair/microscaler-agent microscaler-agent
$ docker run -t -d -P acmeair/asg-controller
$ docker run -t -d -P acmeair/microscaler-agent
acmeair-netflixoss-dockerloca/bin/ provides an example of running the microscaler by invoking the CLI from the host with ssh.
You may also ssh into the microscaler container to use the microscaler CLI and interact with the microscaler components.
The microscaler configuration file is located at:
Make sure that the address set for the docker daemon_url is set to the address of the interface docker0 in the docker host. If you make changes to the configuration you will need to restart microscaler components with the command:
$ supervisorctl restart controller healthmanager worker-launch worker-stop
microscaler components are managed by supervisor. To find out the status of each component run:
$ supervisorctl
For example:
$ supervisorctl status
controller RUNNING pid 748, uptime 8:44:29
gnatsd RUNNING pid 9, uptime 10:26:16
healthmanager RUNNING pid 908, uptime 8:37:03
mongodb RUNNING pid 8, uptime 10:26:16
redis RUNNING pid 7, uptime 10:26:16
sshd RUNNING pid 17, uptime 10:26:16
worker-launch RUNNING pid 606, uptime 9:02:35
worker-stop RUNNING pid 570, uptime 9:03:04
You can access the microscaler CLI help screen simply typing:
$ ms
here is a simple example of using the CLI to configure and start an autoscaling group for the docker image cirros
$ ms login --target http://localhost:56785/asgcc/ --user user01 --key key
$ ms add-lconf --lconf-name lconf1 --lconf-image-id cirros --lconf-instances-type m1.small --lconf-key key1
$ ms add-asg --asg-name asg1 --asg-availability-zones docker02 --asg-launch-configuration lconf1 --asg-min-size 1 --asg-desired-capacity 1 --asg-max-size 4 --asg-scale-out-cooldown 60 --asg-scale-in-cooldown 60 --asg-domain --asg-no-load-balancer
$ ms start-asg --asg-name asg1
You can check if the new instances are started running docker ps from the host; e.g.
$ docker ps
963968b5bd43 cirros:0.3.0 /sbin/init 56 seconds ago Up 56 seconds
56b6936c45eb acmeair/microscaler:latest /usr/bin/supervisord 13 hours ago Up 13 hours>22/tcp microscaler
You can run list-asgs to query about ASGs, ms list-instances to query about instances for an ASG, ms list-lconfs to query about launch configurations; e.g.
$ ms list-asgs
dock1 | started | ["docker02"] | N/A | 1 | 3 | 1
Logs are managed by supervisor and located at:
The most useful logs are:
it shows which instances are up or down and actions taken to recover when instances crash or are killed.
it shows events related to the interaction with the docker engine (e.g. invoking the docker engine to launch a new docker container) and errors that may occur when starting or stopping docker instances.
it shows events related to the invocation of the REST API (e.g. through CLI or another REST client)
- docker agent is not reporting CPU/memory metrics.
- monitoring components and webhooks to support policy-based elastic autoscaling are not implemented.
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