A PHP package for working with the SypexGeo database file.
The current version supports Laravel 5.1 and later.
composer require eseath/sypexgeo
For non-Laravel projects, you need to manually download the database file:
The database is updated 2 times a month.
1. If Laravel version <= 5.4, add into config/app.php
'providers' => [
2. Publish config sxgeo.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Eseath\SxGeo\SxGeoServiceProvider"
By default, in config specified URL to the database of cities. If you want the database of countries, change url:
'dbFileURL' => 'https://sypexgeo.net/files/SxGeoCountry.zip',
3. Download the database file:
php artisan sxgeo:update
You can use this command to upgrade database to the current version via CRON.
use Eseath\SxGeo\SxGeo;
$sxGeo = new SxGeo('/path/to/database/file.dat');
$fullInfo = $sxGeo->getCityFull($ip);
$briefInfo = $sxGeo->get($ip);
use SxGeo;
$data = SxGeo::getCityFull($ip);
array:3 [▼
"city" => array:5 [▼
"id" => 524901
"lat" => 55.75222
"lon" => 37.61556
"name_ru" => "Москва"
"name_en" => "Moscow"
"region" => array:4 [▼
"id" => 524894
"name_ru" => "Москва"
"name_en" => "Moskva"
"iso" => "RU-MOW"
"country" => array:6 [▼
"id" => 185
"iso" => "RU"
"lat" => 60
"lon" => 100
"name_ru" => "Россия"
"name_en" => "Russia"
array:2 [▼
"city" => array:5 [▼
"id" => 524901
"lat" => 55.75222
"lon" => 37.61556
"name_ru" => "Москва"
"name_en" => "Moscow"
"country" => array:2 [▼
"id" => 185
"iso" => "RU"
The tests are run automatically by Travis CI on multiple PHP and Laravel versions.
If you want to run tests locally, use the following command:
python3 ./test.py
docker-compose run php-7.1 composer install