Small utility library for use (primarily) with Bootstrap 3+.
- @brand-light
- @brand-dark
- @brand-primary
- @brand-success
- @brand-info
- @brand-warning
- @brand-danger
- @brand-black
- @border-color
- @border-radius-base
To use the LESS version, you can do a standard @import
@import (less) "bl-utilities.less"
For this to compile correctly in your project, you must have the variables from the "Required Variables" section above imported before this file is imported
To use the CSS version, you can do a standard HTML link
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bl-utilities.css" />
Use of the CSS version will default you to the styles used in the most recent build. These colors are a close approximation of what Bootstrap has included in their variables.less document.