Welcome to the official repository of the WavSpA paper. This innovative work introduces adaptive wavelet transform techniques coupled with Transformer models to excel at processing long sequences. The implementation is crafted using JAX alongside Flax for robustness and efficiency.
Setup your environment to run the models using the provided requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install wavspa
Note: This codebase supports JAX version 0.3.13.
We demonstrate substantial gains in performance with WavSpA across various attention-based architectures. The framework offers three parametrization options:
- Adaptive Wavelet (AdaWavSpA)
- Orthogonal Adaptive Wavelet (OrthoWavSpA)
- Wavelet Lifting (LiftWavSpA)
Performance metrics are as follows:
Models | ListOps | Text | Retrieval | Image | Pathfinder | Avg | Avg (w/o r) |
Transformer | 36.37 | 64.27 | 57.46 | 42.44 | 71.40 | 54.39 | 53.62 |
AdaWavSpA | 55.40 | 81.60 | 79.27 | 55.58 | 81.12 | 70.59 | 68.43 |
OrthoWavSpA | 45.95 | 81.63 | 71.52 | 49.29 | 81.13 | 65.90 | 64.50 |
LiftWavSpA | 42.95 | 75.63 | 56.45 | 42.48 | 81.73 | 59.85 | 60.70 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Longformer | 35.63 | 62.85 | 56.89 | 42.22 | 69.71 | 53.46 | 52.60 |
AdaWavSpA | 49.30 | 79.73 | 58.57 | 50.84 | 79.48 | 63.66 | 64.93 |
OrthoWavSpA | 39.45 | 78.41 | 79.93 | 49.93 | 79.47 | 54.96 | 54.96 |
LiftWavSpA | 39.40 | 78.00 | 53.27 | 40.95 | 75.80 | 57.48 | 58.54 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Linformer | 35.70 | 53.94 | 52.27 | 38.47 | 66.44 | 49.36 | 48.64 |
AdaWavSpA | 37.15 | 54.75 | 61.09 | 34.93 | 65.66 | 50.72 | 48.12 |
OrthoWavSpA | 38.05 | 56.93 | 60.25 | 39.45 | 65.35 | 52.01 | 49.95 |
LiftWavSpA | 37.30 | 54.43 | 70.73 | 34.66 | 63.49 | 52.12 | 47.47 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Linear Att. | 16.13 | 65.90 | 53.09 | 42.32 | 75.91 | 50.67 | 50.06 |
AdaWavSpA | 38.90 | 76.82 | 71.38 | 54.81 | 79.68 | 64.32 | 62.55 |
OrthoWavSpA | 39.55 | 79.45 | 69.65 | 49.93 | 78.09 | 55.86 | 55.86 |
LiftWavSpA | 38.35 | 73.39 | 54.06 | 44.39 | 74.46 | 56.93 | 57.65 |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Performer | 18.01 | 65.40 | 53.82 | 42.77 | 77.05 | 51.41 | 50.81 |
AdaWavSpA | 46.05 | 80.93 | 71.16 | 52.06 | 77.17 | 65.47 | 64.05 |
OrthoWavSpA | 39.80 | 79.10 | 57.67 | 48.78 | 78.09 | 60.69 | 61.44 |
LiftWavSpA | 39.85 | 75.96 | 52.75 | 39.97 | 76.20 | 56.95 | 58.00 |
For implementation details, see lra_benchmarks/models/wavspa/wavspa_learn.py. The wavelet initialization and transformation processes are crucial:
def setup(self):
## db initialization
assert self.wlen % 2 == 0, "incompatible"
self.eps = 1e-4
if "lift" in self.wavelet:
self.adawave_est = self.param('adawave_est', nn.initializers.normal(stddev=0.02), (self.wlen, self.wav_dim), self.dtype)
self.adawave_pred = self.param('adawave_pred', nn.initializers.normal(stddev=0.02), (self.wlen, self.wav_dim), self.dtype)
elif "ortho" in self.wavelet:
L = int(self.wlen / 2)
S = jnp.zeros(shape=[2*L, 2*L], dtype=int)
i = jnp.asarray(range(2*L))
j = jnp.asarray(range(1, 2*L+1)) % (2*L)
S = S.at[i, j].set(1)
self.S = sparse.BCOO.fromdense(S, nse=2*L)
self.S_inv = jnp.linalg.inv(S)
self.thetas = self.param('thetas', nn.initializers.uniform(2*jnp.pi), (L, self.wav_dim), self.dtype)
elif "db" in self.wavelet:
self.adawave = self.param('adawave', db_init, (self.wlen, self.wav_dim), self.dtype)
elif "sin" in self.wavelet:
self.adawave = self.param('adawave', sin_init, (self.wlen, self.wav_dim), self.dtype)
# default to daubechie wave, non trainable
self.adawave = db_init(key=None, shape=(self.wlen, self.wav_dim), dtype=self.dtype)
Then for forward and backward wavelet transform:
z = wavspa.wavedec_learn(x, wavelet, level=self.level)
for level in range(len(z)):
z[level] = nn.SelfAttention(num_heads=self.num_heads,
decode=False)(z[level], deterministic=deterministic)
z = wavspa.waverec_learn(z, wavelet)[:,:inputs.shape[1],:]
Access and instructions for LRA, D2A, and CodeXGlue datasets:
To execute a task, use the train_best.py script with the appropriate configurations:
PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)":"$PYTHONPATH" python lra_benchmarks/listops/train_best.py \
--config=lra_benchmarks/listops/configs/wavspa-exp0.py \
--model_dir=/tmp/listops \
--task_name=basic \
If you find our work useful, please cite our paper at:
title={WavSpA: Wavelet Space Attention for Boosting Transformers' Long Sequence Learning Ability},
author={Yufan Zhuang and Zihan Wang and Fangbo Tao and Jingbo Shang},
booktitle={UniReps: the First Workshop on Unifying Representations in Neural Models at NeurIPS 2023},