A mobile app for tracking and managing spending and income across multiple wallets
- 💼 Multiple Wallet Support: Manage transactions across multiple wallets.
- 📊 Income & Expense Tracking: Track income and expenses with easy categorization.
- 🔒 User Authentication with Persist Storage: Secure user login with data saved across sessions.
- 🎨 User-Friendly Design: Smooth and intuitive interface using Kitten UI.
- ⚛️ React Native: Framework for building cross-platform mobile apps.
- 🧰 Kitten UI: Modern and sleek UI components for React Native.
- 🗂️ React Async Storage: Persistent storage for user data.
- 📱 Expo: Development environment for faster mobile app building.
- 🚦 React Native Navigation: Simple and customizable navigation solution.
- ⚡ React Query: Data fetching and state management with caching capabilities.
Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed. Download here.
Expo CLI: Install the Expo CLI globally.
npm install -g expo-cli
Git Clone: Git clone https://github.com/FahemHakikiKhaya/money-management-app-react-native-expo
Install Dependencies: npm install
Start Development Server: expo start