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@github-actions github-actions released this 21 Oct 20:45
· 158 commits to main since this release

With this release, our project now has a unique name: Ou Dedetai, which comes from the Koine Greek of 2 Tim 2:9, which says that the Word of God is not bound. Since our application installs FaithLife's Logos ("The Word" in Greek) program, it only seemed appropriate to pun this verse by naming ourselves also with Greek ("Not Bound" in Koine is ou dedetai). Our program seeks to unbind Logos (the Program) from Windows so that users may run the software on their operating system of choice.

With this release, we no longer specify ourselves as a Linux-focused piece of software, as our hope is that our software will also run on other non-Linux operating systems, like BSD, once we finish up issues like #14.

This release also permits our application to be installed via pip by converting our project to pyproject.

You can use pip like so as long as you have Python 3.12 available on your system.

python venv .venv/oudedetai
./.venv/oudedetai/bin/pip install ou_dedetai@git+