I'm just lookin' around the place.
I need someone, not really, but I would like to have friends. I only joined recently when I made this.
AAH I'm fine, AHH I'm not okay (Totally made this joke up, I didn't copy anybody "Me remembering how funny the video from TomSka called Baby with gun 2 #NOTsponsored" HAHAHHAHA I don't do #hashtags... oh.
I have a question: What on earth does the preview does?! I would edit this with an answer when I do get the answer. Hmm, lemme shout out this to someone if this DOES work, let me see (I hope I get someone who is idling, because I wouldn't want to take up somebody's time if he/she is busy)... How about @Unicorn?
Okay, I just searched up what a .md file is, and it said that I'm able to add bold text, indentation, italic text, headers, ect. Can someone tell me how to enable this? Nevermind, IT'S GOOGLE TIME... OH, I get it now, I now know what the preview does, and I also know what the hashtag does and how to bold a text. Test: Is this bold? Yay! It's bold.
That works too...
Is there any way to comment? Because I might need to know in the future. The only reason tha-
Who's the drama qween? I am. Or a drama king since I'm a boy.
Anyway, I only joined Github because I wanted to be able to do HTML and save my work immidietly without needing to save all of the code in a .txt file. There is actually one called Khan Academy #NOTsponsored but I want to be able to do it without the Oh Noes (Yay that worked!) tutorials in the website. But because I'm not a proffesional, so I'm supposed to stay in Khan Academy and not in Github.
Why do you use an insert tag for an underline? Why not this?: < u > I dunno, don't ask me
Suddenly... Charles
I'm a human-sized elephant.
- "Hello, thank you for contacting the Anti Charles Defender help center. What might be your problem?"
- "My defender isn't working"
- "For that, you must type out that you turned it on first"
- "Wouldn't that be a little akward?"
- "No"
- "Too bad for you"
- "How come you're not affected?"
- "Because we are better than you in our product's eye's, so we don't need to deal with that fuss"
- "Why don't you enable it in our's too?"
- "So you'll be forced to buy our premium package of course!"
- "Wait, there's a premium version of this Anti Charles Defender?"
- "Yes! Would you be interested to bu-"
- "Nope, goodbye"
- "Oh okay, tell us if you're interest-" Call has been closed.
Well that was unhelpful.
Hi, I am officially a few years older than I was when I wrote all this cringe-worthy material, so just to make sure in case you don't want to talk to me anymore. I don't find any of this stuff funny anymore.