%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------ C++ ------ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
— How to install —
Do the following steps to set your compiler (if needed):
- edit CC lines in the Makefile to reflect your compiler and optimizer To compile:
- run make
To try some test cases do the following steps:
- copy the cpp files in test/Parser or test/Prefix_tree into the main directory
- run make TEST=1 PRG=prefix_tree_test or make TEST=1 PRG=parser_test to compile the files depending on which test you would like to execute.
Please, note that the tool is written in C++11 and, in order to compile it, you need a standard Unix toolchain including a bash-compatible shell, and GNU make. On MacOS X, you may want to install the XCode package. XCode is available from the Mac OS install DVD, or from the Apple Mac Dev Center. For Windows you can use the Cygwin environment that provides all necessary tools.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------ JAVA ------ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Just run
java -jar Concordance.jar -i <input_file_name>
java -jar Concordance.jar -h
to print a help message.
The code has been tested on java version java version "1.6.0_65" and "1.7.0_51".
It requires JDK 1.6.
— How to run the program —
./concordance -h
to print a help message.
In test/ there is an example file. You may want to try:
./concordance -i test/test_input.txt
Similar for Java using java -jar Concordance.jar -i
— About the program —
Given a text file in stdin, the program prints out a “concordance”. A concordance is a bit like an index: It’s an alphabetical list of all the words present in a body of text, complete with citations of where each word appears (e.g., the line, page or sentence number). To sort the words the program uses and internal data structure that can be chosen by the user. The current implementation allows the user to choose two different data structures:
A Prefix Tree;
A Red Black Tree.
These data structures have different characteristics in terms of space/time. For example, a prefix-tree performs operations in O(k) where “k” is maximum length of the string in the text, while a rb-tree performs operations in O(log n) time where “n” is the number of string in the text.
The C++ source code is in Concordance_C++/host_core while the Java source code is in Concordance_Java/src/concordance.
These files have been tested on Mac and Linux. For any questions, feel free to write at: [email protected].