Born in 2018, Flutterando is the biggest and most active Flutter community in Latin America. With over 98 thousand followers divided amongst several media platforms, along with successful projects like the mentorship classes Flutterando InCompanies, where we present Flutter concepts to companies that want to know more about it, and Modular and Triple, packages that gave solutions that are used throughtout the world by the Flutter community, Flutterando's aim is to share the love for Flutter and raise the technical level of it's comunnity and partners, all the while bringing new developers and new content to the Flutter Side.
- Flutter Modular: Modular handles the dependency injection system and route management, through the engine of modular_core.
- Flutter Triple: Implementation of the Segmented State Pattern, nicknamed Triple. The SSP segments the state into 3 reactive parts, the state value (state), the error object (error), and the state loading action (loading).
- Asuka: Snackbars, Dialogs and more, built for simple use and with clean architecture in mind.
- Hasura Connect: This package is designed to facilitate Hasura's integration with Flutter applications, leveraging the full power of Graphql.
- Slidy: CLI script pipeline, package manager and template generator for Flutter. Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, Controllers, tests and more.
- Flutterando Analysis: Our community's set of Linter rules. Used in our projects and packages, it's quality is guaranteed by some of our best developers.
- Uno: A HTTP client inspired by Axios, brings a simple and robust experience to crossplatform apps in Flutter and server apps in Dart. It boasts control over responses that is not as easily possible in some of it's alternatives.
- Dartion: Dartion is a RESTful mini web server based on JSON. But this is not just a port of the popular json-server for Dart, as it adds other features like JWT Authentication.
- Clean Dart: Dartion is a RESTful mini web server based on JSON. But this is not just a port of the popular json-server for Dart, as it adds other features like JWT Authentication.
- Dart & Flutter Roadmap: This is the community's recommended roadmap to learn Dart and Flutter in an easy and thoughtful way, preparing a well built base before learning more advanced topics. It is complemented by the community's and it's partners content on Medium and YouTube.