This plugin is used to check consistency of versions in chef.
It has 2 modes :
latest : checks the latest version of a cookbook against a given environment
local : checks if your local cookbooks are at the latest version (useful when working in a team)
almost a screenshot :
[mordor:~] knife consistency latest production cookbook "beanstalk" has no version constraint in environment production ! cookbook "mcollective" is not up to date. latest is 0.0.11, production has version 0.0.10 cookbook "resolvconf" has no version constraint in environment production !
[mordor:~] knife consistency local cookbook "mcollective" is not up to date. latest is 0.0.11, local version is 0.0.10 cookbook "resolvconf" has no local candidate version cookbook "activemq" is not up to date. latest is 0.0.2, local version is 0.0.1
3 clauses BSD
Nicolas Szalay < nico |at| rottenbytes |meh| info >