Release v0.9.0 Beta
7118 commits
to development
since this release
- Distraction Free Settings. Hide certain elements of the app so that they stop being distracting. Can hide elements such as "Most Popular", "Trending", "Video Recommendations", and "Live Chat"
- UI Scaling. Zoom in or out the UI to better fit your ideal size.
- You can now have the side bar menu be opened automatically upon boot. Enable this in settings
- You can now disable smooth scrolling. Enable this in settings
- There is a new button in settings that will check for and import any subscriptions from legacy versions of FreeTube
- The Firefox Extension once again works with FreeTube, and can be used to automatically have video links be opened up within FreeTube. Only installed / non-portable versions are supported with this feature.
- Adding a YouTube link as a parameter when opening FreeTube via the CLI will automatically open that link upon boot-up. Only installed / non-portable versions are supported with this feature.
- You can now sort comments by "Newest" or by "Top"
- Links in comments and replies are now clickable
- You can now download available video files associated with a video. These will be opened in your default browser so that it can handle the actual download.
- Channels with a low amount of videos no longer error out when loading the last batch of videos available
- Comments no longer load the first batch of comments if you've reach the end of available comments
- Channels that display 0 subscribers will now have their subscriber count hidden
- Playlists now show all of the videos again
- Comments containing links are no longer displaying only the first text up to the link
- Subscriptions shouldn't be added multiple times any more when importing via a FreeTube .db file
- Importing subscriptions through a FreeTube .db file should no longer miss profiles when channels are added
- Channels that have Premieres setup should no longer show an error message
- Grabbing subscriptions through RSS is now forced if your selected profile has more than 125 channels in order to prevent rate limiting
- Videos will now proxy through Invidious when the setting is enabled while also using the local API. Before this setting only worked when the Invidious API was enabled.
- Audio formats labels now have more readable names instead of the bitrate
- New Languages Added: Bulgarian, Greek, Hebrew, Portuguese, Slovenian