The srEC function is to develop a dynamic borrowing framework to incorporate information from other external-control (EC) datasets with the gold-standard randomized trials from Gao et al., (2023). By adopting the subject-level bias framework, the comparability of each EC subject is assessed via a penalized estimation. The final integrative estimator will only incorporate the external subjects with the estimated bias being zero (i.e., a comparable subset).
C. Gao, S. Yang*, M. Shan, W. Ye, I. Lipkovich, D. Faries (2023) Integrating Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial Data with External Controls: A Semiparametric Approach with Selective Borrowing.
# generate data for the whole population
n_c.E <- 3000; n_e.E <- 1000
N <- n_c.E + n_e.E
X1 <- rnorm(N); X2 <- rnorm(N)
# omega: guage the unmeasured confounding for EC
omega <- 3
# generate the randomized trial population
## generate the selection indicator for RT with expected sample size n_c.E
alpha0.opt <- uniroot(function(alpha0){
mean(exp(alpha0 -2 * X1 - 2 * X2)/
(1 + exp(alpha0 -2 * X1 - 2 * X2))) * N - n_c.E
}, interval = c(-50, 10))$root
eS <- exp(alpha0.opt -2 * X1 - 2 * X2)/
(1 + exp(alpha0.opt -2 * X1 - 2 * X2))
delta <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = eS)
X.rt <- cbind(1, X1, X2)[delta == 1, ]
(n_c <- nrow(X.rt))
#> [1] 2986
#> [1] 2986
## generate the treatment assignment with marginal probability P.A
P.A <- 2/3
eta0.opt <- uniroot(function(eta0){
mean(exp(eta0 - X.rt%*%c(1, 1, 1))/
(1 + exp(eta0 - X.rt%*%c(1, 1, 1)))) - P.A
}, interval = c(-50, 10))$root
eA <- exp(eta0.opt - X.rt%*%c(1, 1, 1))/
(1 + exp(eta0.opt - X.rt%*%c(1, 1, 1)))
A.rt <- rbinom(n_c, size = 1, prob = eA)
## generate the observed outcomes for RT
Y.rt <- as.vector(1 + X.rt%*%c(1, 1, 1) + A.rt * X.rt%*%c(0, .3, .3) + rnorm(n_c) +
omega * rnorm(n_c)) # maintain a similar variation as the EC
data_rt <- list(X = X.rt, A = A.rt, Y = Y.rt)
# generate the external control population <- cbind(1, X1, X2)[delta == 0, ]
(n_h <- nrow(
#> [1] 1014
#> [1] 1014 <- 0
## generate the observed outcomes for EC (possibly confounded) <- as.vector(1 +*%c(1, 1, 1) + omega * rnorm(n_h, mean = 1) + rnorm(n_h))
data_ec <- list(X =, A =, Y =
Now, we have generated the RT dataset data_rt
and the EC dataset
. We are ready to implement our selective integrative
estimation by calling srEC()
out <- srEC(data_rt = data_rt,
data_ec = list(data_ec),
method = 'glm')
#> 载入需要的程辑包:ggplot2
#> 载入需要的程辑包:lattice
print(paste('AIPW: ', round(out$est$AIPW, 3),
', S.E.: ', round(out$sd$AIPW, 3)))
#> [1] "AIPW: -0.229 , S.E.: 0.161"
print(paste('ACW: ', round(out$est$ACW, 3),
', S.E.: ', round(out$sd$ACW, 3)))
#> [1] "ACW: -0.52 , S.E.: 0.157"
# selective integrative estimation
print(paste('Our: ', round(out$est$, 3),
', S.E.: ', round(out$sd$, 3)))
#> [1] "Our: -0.235 , S.E.: 0.158"