Discord_IRC is an advanced Discord IRC (Internet Relay Chat) bot designed to intelligently monitor and log messages within a specified channel. This bot excels in capturing message content and attachments, providing users with a comprehensive and streamlined logging solution.
Before delving into the deployment of Discord_IRC, ensure that your system is equipped with the following prerequisites: Node.js (Version 14 or higher)
Visit the Discord Developer Portal Initiate the creation of a new application, providing it with a meaningful name. Navigate to the "Bot" section and instantiate your bot by clicking on "Add Bot." Record the issued token; this token is instrumental for successful configuration.
Within the Discord Developer Portal, navigate to the "OAuth2" section. Configure the "OAuth2 URL Generator" by selecting the "bot" scope. Specify the required permissions for your bot: Read Messages Send Messages Read Message History Copy the generated URL and seamlessly add your bot to the server following the presented prompts.
Within Discord, navigate to the channel setting and select integrations Create a new webhook Copy the webhooks URL and open it in your browser
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/GaslightGod/Discord_IRC.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Discord_IRC
Install the essential Node.js modules:
npm install
Install Discord.js
npm install [email protected]
Open the loggers/config.js file.
Replace 'Bot_Token' with the unique token assigned to your Discord bot.
Specify 'Channel_id' with the Discord channel ID designated for bot monitoring.
Add Webhook Token and ID: Access the Discord_IRC.js file and locate the following instantiation:
const hook = new Discord.WebhookClient('ID', 'Webhook_token');
Replace 'ID' & 'Webhook_token' with the relative information
- Personalize the username and avatarURL properties as required:
{ avatarURL: 'Image_URL', username: 'username' });
- Access the log_content.js file and locate the following line
if (m.author.tag === 'NAMETAG GOES HERE') return;
This is case sensitive to what you set your username to, make sure they match!
To run the Discord IRC bot, follow these steps:
- Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory:
cd path/to/Discord_IRC
- Run the bot:
node Logger.js
Additionally, run the Discord IRC:
node Discord_IRC.js
- The bot will now be active, monitoring the specified Discord channel.
If you need any help, open an issue and let me know what is happening. I'll get back in a timely manner.