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CheckConsents Tool



CheckConsents tool requires Python 3.12+.

CheckConsents tool requires convert from ImageMagick software.

$ convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 7.1.1-15 Q16-HDRI x86_64 21298
Copyright: (C) 1999 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP(4.5) 
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo djvu fftw fontconfig freetype gslib gvc heic jbig jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png ps raqm raw rsvg tiff webp wmf x xml zip zlib
Compiler: gcc (13.2)

CheckConsents tool use Tesseract to detect orientation of pages.

To work, it requires to have osd.traineddata file available in resources folder. You can download it at:

You may need to set TESSDATA_PREFIX env var.

export TESSDATA_PREFIX="/path/to/folder/which/contains/traineddata_files"

It is easier to use container, see Docker section.


A development image can be built from the available Dockerfile. This image is base on python:3.12-slim image.

Build docker image

We define a dockerfile to set up the perfect environment for CheckConsents tool without installing any dependencies on your machine. This image is not production ready. We recommend to use it only for dev and testing purpose.

$ docker build -t cad/checkconsents:1.0.0 .
$ docker run --rm cad/checkconsents:1.0.0
usage: [-h] [-v] -i INPUT_FOLDER [-w WORKING_DIR]
                        [--configfile CONFIGFILE]
                        [--log_level {ERROR,error,WARNING,warning,INFO,info,DEBUG,debug}]
                        [--log_file LOG_FILE]

Check consent checkboxes into consent forms (pdf format)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

  -i INPUT_FOLDER, --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER
                        path of input directory (default: None)
  -w WORKING_DIR, --working_dir WORKING_DIR
                        Directory use to generate intermediates (default:

  --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        configfile filepath (default:

  --log_level {ERROR,error,WARNING,warning,INFO,info,DEBUG,debug}
                        log level (default: INFO)
  --log_file LOG_FILE   log file (use the stderr by default) (default: None)

Known vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities scan of docker image

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

SBOM description of docker image


$ ./consentforms/  --help
usage: [-h] [-v] -i INPUT_FOLDER [-w WORKING_DIR]
                        [--configfile CONFIGFILE]
                        [--log_level {ERROR,error,WARNING,warning,INFO,info,DEBUG,debug}]
                        [--log_file LOG_FILE]

Check consent checkboxes into consent forms (pdf format)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

  -i INPUT_FOLDER, --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER
                        path of input directory (default: None)
  -w WORKING_DIR, --working_dir WORKING_DIR
                        Directory use to generate intermediates (default:

  --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        configfile filepath (default:

  --log_level {ERROR,error,WARNING,warning,INFO,info,DEBUG,debug}
                        log level (default: INFO)
  --log_file LOG_FILE   log file (use the stderr by default) (default: None)
$ mkdir target
$ ./consentforms/  --input_folder ./tests/resources/initial_data --configfile resources/checkconsents_config.yml -w ./target
$ docker run --rm \
             -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
             -v ./target:/code/target  \
             -v ./resources:/code/resources  \
             -v ./tests/resources:/code/tests/resources cad/checkconsents:1.0.0 \
                                                        --input_folder ./tests/resources/initial_data  \
                                                        --configfile resources/checkconsents_config.yml  \
                                                        -w /code/target


CheckConsents tool creates an output folder (like CheckConsents_20231102-141811) into the working directory. Inside this directory, CheckConsents tool generates a json file with all results. If some forms have not been resolved a debugging image is generated for a human review. In this specific case, CheckConsents exits with code = 3.

The debug level, enabled by adding --log_level debug to the command line, increases the verbosity of logs and generates by default all final debugging images.

Config file

You can use the config file is to define all templates to use and adding/change value for some parameters.

You have an example here: [resources/checkconsents_config.yml] (resources/checkconsents_config.yml).

var description default value
intermediates keep intermediate files False
parsing_header_limit max of lines read (correspond to the max size of title). Must be an integer greater than 0. 5
density: 300
opt_args: "..."
Define specific parameter for pdf conversion to png density = 300
mytemplatename: "name of template"
pattern: "sentence you want to catch"
path: path/to/your/template.svg
priority: <integer greater than 0>
Dict to describe all your templates None
recherche: "phrase"
describe the patterns to identify the right page to analyse None

Exit codes

code description
0 Success
1 input directory does not exist
2 error during pdf conversion to png
3 Some form can be resolved. See logs for further details

CheckContents predictions evaluation

Filename "Research usage yes" checked "Research usage no" checked Use for research agreed Result of the automatic detection
Consentement_1.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_2.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_3.pdf yes no yes undetermined
Consentement_4.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_5.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_6.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_7.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_8.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_9.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_10.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_11.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_12.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_13.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_14.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_15.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_16.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_17.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_18.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_19.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_20.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_21.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_22.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_23.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_24.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_25.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_26.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_27.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_28.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_29.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_30.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_31.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_32.pdf no yes no no
Consentement_33.pdf yes no yes yes
Consentement_34.pdf yes no yes yes

These predictions were obtained using default CheckConsents parameters for conversion of pdf into png with a density of 300 dpi, and no colorscale transformation.


Modification of curent values of CheckConsents parameters may decrease file size of png and therefore increase execution time but may also impact accuracy of the detection.

Parsing the output of CheckConsents tool

The json output from checkconsents could be parsed to generate other formats or combined with other informations.

There is an example of parser which generate a csv file from the consents.json file.

It creates a table with the following header:

"Input directory","Input filename","Result of the automatic detection","Debug image filename","Output directory"


You can use virtualenv locally or use the docker compose file: compose-dev.yml. We recommend to use docker which makes easier the management of environment.

Setup virtualenv

$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker dev env

It requires Docker and Docker Compose installed. All folders and files form the repository are available into /code directory.

$ mkdir target                                        # temp folder for unit test
$ touch .env
$ docker compose -f compose-dev.yml up -d
$ docker compose -f compose-dev.yml ps
$ docker exec -it checkconsents-app-1 /bin/bash
cad@853796383c04:/code$ source dev.docker.bashrc      # load aliases (optional but recommended)
[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [07.11.2023 09:25:52] $


Unit/Functional tests

We use PyTest to define and run our tests.

Run all tests (in dev container):

[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [07.11.2023 09:25:52] $ pytest

Run test of a specific submodule (in dev container):

[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [07.11.2023 09:25:52] $ # pytest tests/test_<submodule name>.py
[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [07.11.2023 09:25:52] $ pytest tests/

# list data used for tests
[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [07.11.2023 09:35:42] $ ll /tmp/pytest-of-cad/pytest-current/datacurrent/
total 8984
drwx------. 1 cad cad     226 Nov  7 09:34 .
drwx------. 1 cad cad     140 Nov  7 09:34 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 cad cad 2781876 Nov  7 09:34 functests_consent-0.png
-rw-r--r--. 1 cad cad 1354738 Nov  7 09:34 functests_consent-1.png
-rw-r--r--. 1 cad cad 1348930 Nov  7 09:34 functests_consent-2.png
-rw-r--r--. 1 cad cad 2130168 Nov  7 09:34 functests_consent-3.png
-rw-r--r--. 1 cad cad 1571076 Nov  7 09:34 functests_consent.pdf

Compute test coverage (in dev container):

[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [30.11.2023 14:53:29] $ pytest --cov=consentforms

Generate a test report (report.html, .coverage, htmlcov/index.html) (in dev container):

[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [30.11.2023 14:53:29] $ pytest --html=report.html

# with test coverage
[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [30.11.2023 14:53:29] $ pytest --html=report.html --cov=consentforms

# with test coverage report
[cad@docker-853796383c04 /code] [30.11.2023 14:53:29] $ pytest --html=report.html --cov=consentforms --cov-report html

Running functional Tests

Using local virtualenv:

(env) $ python consentforms/ --input_folder ./tests/resources --configfile resources/checkconsents_config.yml --log_level debug -w ./target

(env) $ python -m pdb consentforms/ --input_folder ./tests/resources --configfile resources/checkconsents_config.yml --log_level debug -w ./target

Analyse all example files from tests/resources/initial_data :

$ mkdir target
$ docker run --rm \
             -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
             -v ./target:/code/target \
             -v ./resources:/code/resources \
             -v ./tests/resources:/code/tests/resources \
             cad/checkconsents:1.0.0 \
                      --input_folder ./tests/resources/initial_data \
                      --configfile resources/checkconsents_config.yml \
                      --working_dir /code/target

# NB if you have timezone set on your host add the following docker option : -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro 

Debugging using docker image:

$ docker build -t cad/checkconsents:test .

$ docker run --rm \
             -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
             -v ./target:/code/target \
             -v ./consentforms:/code/consentforms \
             -v ./resources:/code/resources \
             -v ./tests/resources:/code/tests/resources \
             cad/checkconsents:test \
                --input_folder ./tests/resources \
                --configfile resources/checkconsents_config.yml \
                --log_level debug \
                -w /code/target

# debug
$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint python \
             -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
             -v ./target:/code/target \
             -v ./consentforms:/code/consentforms \
             -v ./resources:/code/resources \
             -v ./tests/resources:/code/tests/resources \
             cad/checkconsents:test \
                -m pdb /code/consentforms/ \
                --input_folder ./tests/resources \
                --configfile resources/checkconsents_config.yml \
                --log_level debug \
                -w /code/target


CheckConsents project is developed by David Salgado [email protected] and Adrien Josso Rigonato [email protected]. Expression of the need and test data were created by Cécile Meslier.

The project is supported by Collecteur Analyseur de Données (CAD).


GNU AFFERO General Public License v3

See Licence for further details.


Checkbox detection is based on simpleomr script from RescueOMR.

Copyright(c) 2016-2017: Yuri D'Elia [email protected]

Copyright(c) 2016-2017: EURAC, Institute of Genetic Medicine

Thanks to the work of Yuri D'Elia


No description, website, or topics provided.







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